HC Deb 22 May 2002 vol 386 c423W
Mr. Gareth R. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what action he is taking to implement the recommendations of the Audit Commission's "Fully Equipped" report on the provision of disability equipment services for older and disabled people. [57151]

Jacqui Smith

Since publication of the Audit Commission's report "Fully Equipped" in March 2000, the Department has extended the agenda set by the report, and gone beyond the four recommendations for the Department. In particular, it has done this by developing, with the active involvement of the Audit Commission, guidance on the modernisation of community equipment services and by funding the integration of local authority and health equipment services. The Department has also allocated £30 million to modernise hearing aids services, including the provision of digital hearing aids, and £4 million for the provision of life-like covering for artificial limbs. The Modernisation Agency will be identifying and spreading good practice within wheelchair services. The Department has continued to encourage health authorities, trusts and social services, and now, primary care trusts, to implement the further 13 recommendations that fell into their remit.