HC Deb 19 March 2002 vol 382 c307W
Mr. Burns

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if he will list for each London borough the number of elderly residents who are placed in residential and nursing homes outside London; [43840]

(2) if he will list for each social services department the number of people from outside London who are placed in residential and nursing homes inside London. [43841]

Jacqui Smith

[holding answer 18 March 2002]: The information requested is not available centrally.

Mr. Burns

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many beds in residential and nursing homes for the elderly in Greater London there were on(a) 31 March 1997 and (b) the latest available date. [43894]

Jacqui Smith

[holding answer 18 March 2002]: Information on the number of residential places and registered nursing beds for older people, in Greater London, at 31 March each year, is shown in the table.

Residential places and registered nursing beds for older people in Greater London at 31 March
rounded numbers
1997 1 2001
Residential care places for older people2 20,490 19,360
Registered nursing3 beds for older people 10,600 11,440
1 Nursing bed figures relate to the period 1 October 1996 to 31 March 1997.
2 Includes residential care beds for older people who are mentally infirm people.
3 Includes nursing care beds in private hospitals and clinics.


Department of Health's annual return.

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