HC Deb 18 March 2002 vol 382 cc136-40W
Tony Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what funds will be provided for the implementation of the Farming and Food report. [41354]

Mr. Morley

We are currently assessing the financial implications of taking forward the Policy Commission's recommendations. Decisions on the funding to be made available to implement the recommendations that fall to Government will, in the main, be made as part of the 2002 Spending Review. It would not be appropriate to prejudge the Spending Review settlement, which is expected in July, but the Department will want to target resources to achieve the best most cost effective outcome.

Tony Cunningham

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the timescale will he for implementing the recommendations of the Farming and Food report. [41353]

Mr. Morley

The Commission's report will make a substantial contribution to a new strategy for sustainable food and farming, which we aim to launch in the autumn. We will work with a wide range of stakeholders to determine how best to take forward the Commission's ideas and deliver positive changes on the ground. As responsibility for addressing the Commission's recommendations rests with industry and other organisations as well as Government, we will be looking for their active involvement. Before Easter we will publish a steering document which will inform and guide this and launch the stakeholder engagement process.

Mrs. Ann Winterton

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will list the interests registered by the(a) chairman and (b) members of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Foods. [42252]

Mr. Morley

Registered interests of the chairman and members of the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food are as listed. They can also be found on the website www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/farming. The list registers interests relevant to the work of the Commission.

Sir Donald Curry CBE

Remunerated work and directorships

  • Vice-chairman (non-executive), NFU Mutual Insurance Co Ltd.
  • Commissioner, Crown Estate
  • Chairman (non-executive), North Country Primestock
  • Director (non-executive), Scottish Agricultural College
  • Director (non-executive), Chitty Food Groups

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Owner, residential properties in Newcastle and Rothbury, Northumberland
  • Shareholder, BT
  • Shareholder, Friends Provident
  • Shareholder, Tyne Grain
  • Shareholder, North Country Primestock
  • Shareholder, Hexham Auction Market

Other interests

  • Chair (non-executive), At Home in the Community
  • Council Member,
  • Royal Agricultural Society of England
  • Member, National Farmers' Union
  • Member, Farmers' Club

Helen Browning OBE

Remunerated work and directorships

  • Director, Eastbrook Farms Organic Pigs Ltd.
  • Director, Eastbrook Farms Organic Meat Ltd.
  • Director, Food Ethics Council
  • Consultancy, Meat and Livestock Commission
  • Consultancy, Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission
  • Consultancy, Sustainable Development Commission
  • Speaking fees from various organisations principally on organic farming and marketing.

Land, property and shareholdings

  • 33 per cent. of Manor Farm, East Grafton, Wiltshire
  • Shareholder, Dairy Crest
  • Shareholder, Genus Ltd.
  • Shareholder, Organic Milk Suppliers' Co-operative
  • Shareholder, Friends Provident
  • Eligible producer, Residuary Milk Marketing Board.

Other interests

  • Chair, Soil Association
  • Chair, Food Ethics Council
  • Member, Royal Agricultural Society of England
  • Member, Country Land and Business Association
  • Member, Tenant Farmers' Association
  • Member, Farm and Wildlife Advisory Group
  • Member, the Farmers' Club
  • Member, Rare Breeds Survival Trust
  • Member, Schumacher Society
  • Member, Institute of Directors
  • Member, National Federation for the Self-Employed.

Sir Peter Davis

Remunerated work

  • Chief executive, J Sainsbury plc
  • Board Director, Union Bank of Switzerland

Land, property and shareholdings

  • (with Lady Davis) properties in Hertfordshire, London and France
  • (with Lady Davis) trustees of a family trust that owns a property in North Wales
  • Shareholder and share option-holder, J Sainsbury plc.

Other interests

  • Chairman, Business in the Community
  • Member and trustee, Trearddur Bay Sailing Club
  • Vice president, Marketing Council
  • Vice president, Chartered Institute of Marketing
  • Fellow, Marketing Society
  • Member, Agricultural Forum
  • Member, Policy Issues Group, Institute of Grocery Distribution
  • Member. Garrick Club

lain Ferguson QC

Remunerated interests

  • Senior vice-president, Corporate Development, Unilever plc/NV

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Owner, property in Guildford, Surrey
  • Shareholder, BT
  • Shareholder, BG
  • Shareholder, Lattice
  • Shareholder, BAE Systems
  • Shareholder, Marconi
  • Shareholder, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Shareholder, Cable & Wireless
  • Shareholder, Lloyds TSB
  • Shareholder, ATL plc
  • Shareholder, HBOS plc
  • Shareholder, Unilever plc
  • Shareholder, Unilever NV

Other interests

  • Director, British Nutrition Foundation
  • Director, Food and Drink Federation
  • Director, Rothamsted Research Station
  • Member, the Farmers' Club
  • Member, the Caledonian Club

Deirdre Hutton CBE

Remunerated work

  • Chair, National Consumer Council
  • Vice-chair, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Non-executive director, Financial Services Authority
  • Commissioner, Sustainable Development Commission

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Shares in Sainsburys
  • Shares in Tesco
  • Shares in Unilever

Other interests

  • Member, Better Regulation Task Force

DeAnne Julius

Remunerated work

  • Non-executive director, Bank of England
  • Non-executive director, Lloyd's TSB (from 1 October 2001)
  • Member, National Learning and Skills Council

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Owner, house in Surrey and apartment in Verbier (Switzerland)
  • Shareholdings (through mutual funds and directly) in the following companies:
  • BTG; British Airways; Shell; Pearson; United Business Media

Other interests

  • Visiting Professor, University of Durham
  • Member, Royal Institute of International Affairs
  • Member, Institute of Development Studies
  • Member, Royal Economic Society
  • Member, Advisory Board, Centre for the study of Globalisation and Regionalisation. Warwick University

Fiona Reynolds CBE

Remunerated work and directorships

  • Director-General, National Trust

Other interests

  • Trustee, Green Alliance
  • Trustee, Institute for European Environmental Policy
  • Vice-President, Council for National Parks
  • Governor, Canterbury Primary School

Mark Tinsley

Remunerated work and directorships

  • Managing director of P.C. Tinsley Ltd.
  • Chairman, Elgro Ltd.
  • Chairman, Nene Potatoes Ltd.
  • Non-executive director, Greens of Soham Ltd.
  • Non-executive director, Freshtime UK Ltd.
  • Non-executive director, Winters Lane Storage Ltd.

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Shareholder of P. C. Tinsley Ltd., farming 500ha in Lincolnshire Shareholder of Spearhead International Ltd.
  • Shareholder (through P. C. Tinsley Ltd.) in the following companies:
  • Elgro Ltd.; Holbeach Marsh Co-operative Ltd.; Nene Potatoes Ltd.; Agricultural Central Trading Ltd.

Other interests

  • Member, Boston Tennis Club
  • Member (through P. C. Tinsley Ltd.) of the following organisations:
  • LEAF Assured Produce; Assured Combinable Crops; National Farmers' Union

Political interests

  • Member, Conservative party
  • Member, Commercial Farmers' Group

David Varney

Remunerated work and directorships

  • Chairman, mmO, plc
  • Lattice pension

Land, property and shareholdings

  • Owner, residential property in Bourne End, Bucks.
  • Shareholder, Anglo American plc
  • Shareholder, Astra Zeneca plc
  • Shareholder, Barclays plc
  • Shareholder, British Land Company plc
  • hareholder, BOC group
  • Shareholder, CGNU plc
  • Shareholder, Compass Group plc
  • Shareholder, Cable & Wireless plc
  • Shareholder, Diageo plc
  • Shareholder, Granada Compass plc
  • Shareholder, GlaxoSmithKline plc
  • Shareholder, Hays plc
  • Shareholder, 31 group plc
  • Shareholder, Marks & Spencer plc
  • Shareholder, Nycomed Amersham plc
  • Shareholder, Provident Financial plc
  • Shareholder, Royal Bank of Scotland plc
  • Shareholder, Railtrack plc
  • Shareholder, Tesco plc
  • Shareholder, Vodafone plc
  • Shareholder, Lattice Group plc
  • Shareholder, Shell Transport

Other interests

  • Vice chairman, Council of Surrey University
  • Vice president, Oil Industry Club
  • Trustee, Bright Red Dot Foundation
  • Member, Royal Automobile Club
  • Member, Institute of Directors
  • Member, Chairman's Club
  • Member, Institute of Energy
  • Member, Institute of Petroleum
  • Member, Institute of Gas Engineers
  • Member, Institute of Management
  • Member, Institute of Personnel & Development
  • Member, Advisory Committee, DEMOS

Graham Wynne

Remunerated interests

  • Chief Executive, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Other interests

  • Member, Sustainable Development Commission
  • Trustee, BirdLife International.

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