HL Deb 15 March 2002 vol 632 c106WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How they now regard the status of Jerusalem in any future final status negotiations; what role they see for the United Nations in a particular city; and whether they support Israeli withdrawal front all settlements overlooking east Jerusalem. [HL2987]

Baroness Amos

Jerusalem, a UN presence and withdrawal from settlements are among the issues to be resolved by the parties during final status negotiations. It is not for the UK to prejudge the outcome of negotiations. With regard to the status of Jerusalem, pending agreement we recognisede facto Israeli control of west Jerusalem but consider east Jerusalem to be occupied territory. We recognise no sovereignty over the city. Jerusalem has a unique religious and cultural importance for Christians, Jews and Muslims and we attach great importance to ensuring access and freedom of worship there for those of all faiths. An international presence could help both sides in their search for peace, if accepted by both sides. Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegal and we have called for an immediate freeze to their growth.