HC Deb 13 March 2002 vol 381 c1133W
Mr. Damian Green

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many and what percentage of three-year-olds have been in nursery places in maintained schools in each year since 1997. [38800]

Margaret Hodge

The available information on three-year-old provision in maintained nursery and primary schools is shown in the table.

Number1,2 and percentage of three year olds in maintained nursery and primary schools, England, 1997 to 2001, position in January each year
Year Number Percentage3
1997 214,200 34
1998 222,000 35
1999 225,700 37
2000 229,900 38
2001 226,600 37
1 Headcount of children aged three at 31 December in the previous calendar year, rounded to the nearest 100.
2 May include some two-year-olds.
3 Number of three-year-olds expressed as a percentage of the three-year-old population.

The number of three-year-olds taking up places at private and voluntary providers increased from 268,800 or 44 per cent. of the population of three-year-olds in January 2000, to 285,100 or 47 per cent. in January 2001, an increase of 16,000.

The figures for three-years-olds in schools and private and voluntary providers were published in Statistical Bulletin 11–01 "Provision for children under five years of age in England—January 2001" which is available at www.dfes.gov.uk/statistics/and from the Library.