HC Deb 26 June 2002 vol 387 cc916-8W
Mr. Michael Foster

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) if she will list the local authorities who have not yet provided a High Level Target 1 policy statement for flood and coastal defence; [62908]

(2) if she will name the local authorities who have indicated that they are not prepared to produce a policy statement under High Level Targets for flood and coastal defence. [62906]

Mr. Morley

I placed the Environment Agency's report listing those local authorities from whom a policy statement under High Level Target 1 was awaited in the House Libraries on 24 May. Since the agency's report was compiled, statements have been received from the following local authorities:

  • Mid Sussex district council
  • Rotherham borough council
  • Rushcliffe borough council
  • Stockton-on-Tees borough council
  • Teignbridge district council
  • Burnley borough council
  • Chesterfield borough council
  • East Hampshire district council
  • London borough of Bromley
  • Mid Suffolk district council.

We have not ascertained whether the authorities who have still not yet produced a policy statement are refusing to do so or if it is for other reasons. We plan to work with the Environment Agency and Local Government Association to encourage the production of policy statements especially by those local authorities who have significant flood and coastal defence responsibilities.

DEFRA grant and credit approvals
Environment Agency Other operating authorities DEFRA other expenditure ODPM SSAs Total
1996–97 45.9 51.5 5.2 207.1 309.7
1997–98 43.0 38.5 5.5 225.4 312.4
1998–99 33.8 36.9 5.4 239.8 315.9
1999–2000 33.0 36.2 5.1 252.0 326.3
2000–01 41.9 24.6 4.9 257.1 328.5
2001–02 (prov) 61.5 29.5 5.7 268.4 365.1


1. Figures are outturns of actual cash spent.

2. 2001–02 figures for Other Operating Authorities are provisional, as credit approvals are yet to be finalised.

3. The allocation for 1996–97 was increased significantly in-year by the redistribution of funds from elsewhere in the Department.

4. In 2000–01 and 2001–02 local authorities under-achieved on coast protection works compared to their plans. They have recognised the need to improve project planning and the reliability of their forecasts.

5. In addition to the above, some £40 million annually comes from other sources such as drainage rates and charges paid by farmers.

Norman Baker

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for what reason no preferred scheme for improved flood defences in Lewes has been announced by the Environment Agency; when such an announcement is expected; and if she will make a statement. [63548]

Mr. Morley

[holding answer 24 June 2002]: It is important to consider the need for flood management measures within an overall strategy so as not to create problems elsewhere. The Environment Agency has commissioned consultants to prepare a strategy for the river Ouse catchment, covering flood problems at Lewes and other points in the valley. I understand that detailed checking of data and modelling work is being undertaken prior to the planned presentation of the strategy to the Sussex Flood Defence Committee in July prior to submission to DEFRA. I also understand that the strategy includes a preferred option for defence measures in Lewes.

I understand that the agency has consulted widely in preparing the strategy and, subject to consideration by the Sussex Flood Defence Committee, plans to arrange a public exhibition.

Malcolm Bruce

To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much money the Government have allocated to the Environment Agency in flood defence grants in each year since and including 1997; and what the overall expenditure spent on flood defence by the Government in the United Kingdom was in each year since and including 1997. [63819]

Mr. Morley

Flood and coastal erosion risk management is a devolved responsibility. The bulk of spending on flood and coastal defence in England comes from central Government either through the ODPM's support to local authorities through standard spending assessments (SSAs) which are intended in part to fund local authority levies to the Environment Agency, or through capital grants (and local authority Supplementary Credit Approvals) from DEFRA direct to the flood and coastal defence operating authorities (Environment Agency, local authorities and Internal Drainage Boards). Additional expenditure is incurred by DEFRA, for example to pay for the Storm Tide Forecasting Service. The table shows expenditure for England only: