HC Deb 24 June 2002 vol 387 c670W
Mr. Norman

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what steps the Department has taken to monitor the mobile phone industry's adherence to its 10 voluntary commitments on siting and erection of mobile phone masts. [59633]

Mr. McNulty

I have been asked to reply.

The then Minister for Housing, Planning and Regeneration met representatives of the five mobile phone network operators on 8 May 2002 to discuss their progress in meeting their commitments and to discuss the audit arrangements that they have put in place to assess continuing compliance with the commitments.

Work currently under way to revise the Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Masts is building on the commitments and on our guidance in Planning Policy Guidance Note 8 (Telecommunications) to improve consultation on mast proposals with local communities and local planning authorities. The Working Group established to take that work forward will monitor the operation of the revised Code and effectiveness of the commitments themselves.