HC Deb 20 June 2002 vol 387 cc455-9W
Mr. Laws

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what his estimate is for the latest year for which information is available of(a) the percentage of children living in one parent families, (b) the number of live births per 1,000 teenage women and (c) the percentage of children born outside marriage, broken down by (i) social class, (ii) income, (iii) race and (iv) geographic location; and if he will make a statement. [62406]

Ruth Kelly

[holding answer 19 June 2002]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician. I have asked him to reply.

Letter from Len Cook to Mr. Laws, dated 20 June 2002: As National Statistician I have been asked to reply to your request for estimates for the latest year for which information is available of (a) the percentage of children living in one parent families, (b) the number of live births per 1,000 teenage women and (c) the percentage of children born outside marriage, broken down by (i) social class, (ii) income, (iii) race and (iv) geographic location. (62406) There is only limited information available for some of these topics. No information is available for lone parents by the divisions requested and no information is available for births by income. The information I am able to provide is found in the attached annexes. Annex A contains information by social class. Annex B contains information by ethnic group and Annex C contains information by geographic location. All data relate to the year 2000, the latest year for which data are available, unless otherwise stated.

2002, Official Report, column 1330W, on self-assessment tax returns; and if he will make a statement. [63209]

Dawn Primarolo

The statistical data requested are as detailed in the table.

Annex A—Data by Social Class (i) The number of live births to teenage women It is not possible to present the number of live births per 1,000 teenage women by social class as population estimates by social class are not available. Also social class is only available in England and Wales and Northern Ireland by father's social class, so it is not possible to derive social class for registrations where only the mother's name is recorded. In England and Wales a 10 per cent. sample of the fathers' occupation and employment status is used to determine social class. For Scotland births within marriage are categorised to social class of the father; social class of the mother is used to categorise births outside marriage. The number of live births to teenage women are given in the following tables for 2000, the latest year for which information is available for the United Kingdom. Data for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are presented separately because of differences between the constituent countries in the way social class is allocated (see above). The key for the social classifications is at the end of this annex.

The number of live births to women aged under 20 by social class of father, England and Wales, 2000
Social class Within marriage Jointly registered outside marriage Sole registrations
I and II 0.7 2.4 Not available
IIIN 0.5 2.1 Not available
IIIM 1.4 9.6 Not available
IV and V 1.3 10.7 Not available
Non-manual 1.3 4.5 Not available
Manual 2.7 20.3 Not available
Other 0.8 3.8 Not available
Total 4.7 28.6 12.5


Birth Statistics 2000 FMI No. 29, England and Wales

The number of live births to women aged under 20, by social class of father if inside marriage and mother if outside marriage, Scotland, 2000
Social class Births
I and II 0.1
IIIN 0.9
IIIM 0.4
IV and V 0.8
Non-manual 1.0
Manual 1.2
Other 2.4
Total 4.6


General Register Office for Scotland

The number of live births to women aged under 20, by social class of father, Northern Ireland, 2000
Social class Births
I and II 0.1
IIIN 0.2
IIIM 0.6
IV and V 0.4
Non-manual 0.2
Manual 0.9
Armed forces, inadequately described and sole registrations 0.5

The number of live births to women inside and outside marriage by social class of father, England and Wales, 2000
Social class Within marriage (thousands) Jointly registered outside marriage (thousands) Sole registrations (thousands) Percentage outside marriage, where information on father is available
I and II 161.5 44.3 1 22
IIIN 37.8 15.0 1 28
IIIM 91.6 68.3 1 43
IV and V 56.7 53.8 1 49
Non-manual 199.3 59.3 1 23
Manual 148.3 122.1 1 45
Other 18.2 11.4 1 39
Total 365.8 192.8 45.8 1 239
1Not available
2Percentage outside marriage includes sole registrations


Birth Statistics 2000 FMI No. 29, England and Wales

The number of live births to women inside and outside marriage, by social class of father if inside marriage and mother if outside marriage, Scotland, 2000
Social class Within marriage (thousands) Outside marriage (thousands) Percentage outside marriage
I and II 13.1 3.3 20
IIIN 3.3 5.3 62
IIIM 8.1 1.9 19
IV and V 5.4 4.4 4.5
Non-manual 16.4 8.6 34
Manual 13.6 6.3 32
Other 0.5 7.7 94
Total 30.5 22.6 43


General Register Office for Scotland

The number of live births inside and outside marriage, by social class of father, Northern Ireland, 2000
Social class Within marriage (thousands) Outside marriage (thousands) Percentage outside marriage
I and II 5.1 0.7 12
IIIN 2.0 0.7 28
IIIM 4.9 2.2 31
IV and V 2.5 1.8 42
Non-manual 7.0 1.4 17
Manual 7.4 4.0 35
Armed forces, inadequately described and sole registrations 0.2 1.4 87
Total 14.7 6.8 32


Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2000

The number of live births to women aged under 20, by social class of father, Northern Ireland, 2000
Social class Births
Total 1.6


Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2000

(ii) The percentage of children born outside marriage

The numbers and percentages of children born inside and outside marriage by social class are given in the following tables for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland separately. The key for the social classifications is at the end of this annex.

The key for social classification codes is as follows:

  • Non-manual
  • I Professional
  • II Managerial and technical
  • IIIN Skilled occupations (non-manual)
  • Manual
  • IIIM Skilled occupations (manual)
  • IV Partly skilled occupations
  • V Unskilled occupations

Other—Residential groups including the unemployed, armed forces and students and those whose occupation was inadequately described.

Annex B—Data by Ethnicity

Information is not collected at registration on ethnicity, only on country of birth of parents. In a recent article in Population Trends1 data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) were used to estimate average fertility rates for births to teenage mothers by ethnic group in Great Britain. Part of Table 3 of that article is presented below, giving data for the period 1990–96. It should be noted that the results are based on very small sample numbers. No information is available from the LFS on marital status at the time of birth so it is not possible to look at ethnic fertility rates inside and outside marriage.

1Berthoud R. Teenage births to ethnic minority women Population Trends No. 104 TSO(2001) pp 12–17

Teenage birth rates per 1,000 for the years 1990–96 derived from the Labour Force Survey, Great Britain
Ethnic group Births per 1,000
White 31
Caribbean 47
Indian 7
Pakistani 30
Bangladeshi 53
Other 23

Annex C—Data by Geography

(i) The number of live births per 1,000 teenage women

Teenage birth rates by geographic location are shown in the following table.

Teenage birth rates by country and region, United Kingdom, 2000
Country Rate per 1,000
England 28.8
Wales 35.2
Scotland 29.1
Northern Ireland 26.1
Government office regions
North East 37.2
North West 33.4
Yorkshire and the Humber 34.5
East Midlands 29.4
West Midlands 32.6
East 23.9
London 27.8
South East 22.2
South West 23.7


Birth Statistics 2000 FMI No. 29 England and Wales

Registrar General for Scotland Annual Report 2000,

Registrar General Northern Ireland Report 2000

(ii) The percentage of children born outside marriage

The percentages of children born outside marriage by geographic location are given in the following table.

Percentage of births outside marriage by country and region, United Kingdom, 2000
Country Percentage
England 39.1
Wales 47.2
Scotland 42.6
Northern Ireland 31.8
Government office regions
North East 50.5
North West 46.3
Yorkshire and the Humber 42.9
East Midlands 41.2
West Midlands 39.9
East 35.3
London 34.5
South East 34.1
South West 37.8


Birth Statistics 2000 FMI No. 29, England and Wales

Registrar General for Scotland Annual Report 2000

Registrar General Northern Ireland Annual Report 2000

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