HL Deb 11 June 2002 vol 636 cc18-9WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What material assistance they have provided to facilitate the Inter-Congolese Dialogue; and with what tangible results. [HL41615]

Baroness Amos

The UK has provided substantial financial assistance of £525,000 and an expert to work with the talks facilitator, former President of Botswana, Sir Ketumile Masire. As a result of the dialogue, for the first time in almost 30 years a large representation of Congolese society have come together to discuss arrangements for a democratic government in the DRC. We welcome the progress that was made during these discussions and continue to work with all the parties to conclude arrangements for an inclusive transitional government which will lead to peace in the country for the first time for many years.

The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How they intend to support the United Nations peace-keeping force in the eastern Congo during the coming year; what is the strength of that force; how many casualties it has suffered; and how it will be expanded. [HL4616]

Baroness Amos

In addition to political and financial support, the UK is providing six military personnel to the United Nations Mission in the DRC. The mandated strength of the UN force is 5,537, of which 3,633 are deployed in theatre. There have been six fatalities since the mission was established in November 1999. The force can only be expanded on the recommendation of the Secretary General and with the agreement of the Security Council. There are no plans to do so at present.

The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What foreign armies are operating in the areas of the eastern Congo monitored by the United Nations; and what is the estimated strength of those forces. [HL4617]

Baroness Amos

Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe and Angola still have troops in eastern DRC. The estimated strength of these forces is 4,000, 20,000–30,000, 1,500, 8,000 and 1,000 respectively.