HC Deb 15 January 2002 vol 378 c177W
Mr. Lilley

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people the Government sought to be extradited to face trial in the UK from(a) other EU countries and (b) non-EU countries in each of the last 10 years broken down by categories of offence; and how many requests were (i) accepted, (ii) refused and (iii) withdrawn. [26150]

Mr. Bob Ainsworth

[holding answer 11 January 2002]: Reliable statistics covering the last 10 years are not available. The information since 1997 is as follows:

Requests made1 Outcomes2,3
EUI non-EU Granted Refused Withdrawn
1997 17 31 30(13) 4(2) 14(5)
1998 43 20 38(19) 3(1) 14(7)
1999 39 10 36(9) 2(0) 20(10)
2000 50 20 31(7) 1(0) 10(4)
2001 57 25 52(17) 6(2) 17(2)
1. The figures do not include requests made to Ireland which are governed by the Backing of Warrants (Republic of Ireland) Act 1965 and are not collected centrally.
2. Outcomes in any given year do not necessarily correspond to the number of requests made.
3. Non-EU figures shown in brackets

The following table indicates for the same five year period into which broad categories of offence requests made fell.

Offence1,2 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Drugs 11(7) 19(4) 14 17(2) 13(2)
Murder 2 4 9 11(4)
Manslaughter 1 2
Terrorism (3)
Rape (1) (3) 4(3) 3(2) 4(1)
Violence against the person 5(3) 3 1(2) 2(1) 4
Indecent assault 5(3) 4(1) (1) 5(2) 6(2)
Firearms/explosives possession 2(1)
Theft/robbery 6(2) 14(7) 12(2) 12(1) 17(2)
Fraud/deception 6(3) 4 14(1) 12(5) 15(8)
Kidnap/false imprisonment 1 1 1 2(1) 2
Child abduction 3 (5) 3(1)
Tax/VAT evasion 1 3 2 7 6(2)
Forgery/counterfeiting 1 2
Arson (1) 1
Official Secrets Act 1
Money laundering 1
Blackmail (1) (1)
Pornography (1) 2(1) 1 1
Affray (1)
Arranging bogus marriages (1)
Death by reckless driving 1 1 1
Drunk on aircraft (1)
Perverting course of justice


  1. 1. Offences are defined broadly, and include conspiracies or attempts to commit offences.
  2. 2. The figures do not perfectly match the number of requests in the preceding table some fugitives are sought for more than one offence.
  3. 3. Non-EU figures shown in brackets.

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