HC Deb 27 February 2002 vol 380 cc1315-6W
Mrs. Humble

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what plans there are to change the departmental expenditure limits and administration costs limits for 2001–02. [39605]

Mr. MacShane

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Foreign and Commonwealth DEL will be increased by £32,584,000 from £1,362,704,000 to £1,395,288,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £34,335,000 from £634,598,000 to £668,933,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:

Resources Capital
Change 32,600 -16
New DEL 1,268,738 126,550
of which:
Voted 1,100,856 103,050
Non-voted 167,882 23,500

The change in the resources element of DEL arises from:

  1. (i) an increase of £965,000 in respect of take up of EYF;
  2. (ii) an increase of £9,462,000 in respect of an adjustment for Overseas Price Movements;
  3. (iii) a net increase of £10,000,000 as a result of a Reserve Claim for 11 September related activity;
  4. (iv) a PES transfer to the Ministry of Defence of £1,154,000 in respect of British Defence Staff in Washington;
  5. (v) an increase of £18,944,000 to reflect transfers from capital to improve budgetary flexibility;
  6. (vi) an increase of £2,330,000 relating to a successful bid against the Reserve for funds to tackle organised crime;
  7. 1316W
  8. (vii) a PES transfer to the Department for International Development of £8,061,000 in respect of funding arrangements on the Conflict Prevention pool;
  9. (viii) a decrease in the FCO's Resource DEL of £5,743,000 to reflect a corresponding overspend on the FCO's Resource DEL last financial year;
  10. (ix) a PES transfer from the Ministry of Defence of £125,000 relating to funding for Ascension Island;
  11. (x) a PES transfer to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport of £2,000,000 towards the cost of mounting the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester;
  12. (xi) an increase in £2,145,000 in the FCO's departmental unallocated pool for Conflict Prevention to reflect an increase in funding levels;
  13. (xii) a PES transfer from the Department for International Development of £18,837,000 to reflect revisions to funding arrangements for Conflict Prevention;
  14. (xiii) a PES transfer to the Ministry of Defence of £15,000,000 to reflect revisions to funding arrangements for Conflict Prevention;
  15. (xiv) a PES transfer from the Department for International Development of £1,750,000 to reflect revisions for funding arrangements for Conflict Prevention.

The change in the capital element of DEL arises from:

  1. (i) an increase of £1,200,000 to Capital to reflect a successful bid against the Capital Modernisation Fund;
  2. (ii) an increase of £828,000 in respect of an adjustment for Overseas Price Movements;
  3. (iii) an increase of £16,900,000 as a result of a Reserve Claim for September 11 related activity;
  4. (iv) a decrease of £18,944,000 to reflect transfers from capital to resource in order to improve budgetary flexibility.

The increases will be offset by inter-departmental transfers and will not impact on the planned total of public expenditure.

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