HC Deb 12 February 2002 vol 380 cc215-7W
Ms Buck

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions if he will state, for each local authority in London, what the real terms increase in total external support was between(a) 1992–93 and 1996–97 and (b) 1997–98 and 2001–02; and what the projected real terms increase will be in 2002–03. [31819]

Dr. Whitehead

Because of changes in function, responsibility and area it is not possible to produce a fully consistent set of grant figures for the period from 1992–93 to 2002–03. The main changes comprise the transfer of funding of colleges of further education and sixth form colleges from local authorities to the Further Education

Table 1 £ million
Authority Actual 2001–02 grant Adjusted 2001–02 grant1 2002–03 grant Adjusted cash increase Adjusted real increase
City of London 87.307 85.605 89.029 3.424 1.284
Camden 197.281 184.995 197.944 12.950 8.324
Greenwich 222.117 212.448 223.376 10.929 5.616
Hackney 242.677 238.720 249.106 10.386 4.417
Hammersmith and Fulham 144.503 138.019 146.490 8.471 5.020
Islington 199.670 196.090 203.933 7.844 2.940
Kensington and Chelsea 117.917 113.989 122.280 8.292 5.441
Lambeth 260.331 255.965 268.418 12.453 6.052
Lewisham 241.892 235.029 244.529 9.500 3.623
Southwark 269.502 265.415 283.523 18.108 11.471
Tower Hamlets 288.075 280.332 296.449 16.117 9.107
Wandsworth 206.822 197.065 204.948 7.883 2.955
Westminster 198.752 191.544 205.117 13.573 8.783
Barking and Dagenham 146.386 139.743 148.240 8.497 5.003
Barnet 207.164 190.168 202.544 12.376 7.621
Bexley 154.980 146.360 156.610 10.250 6.590
Brent 223.458 211.269 223.766 12.497 7.214
Bromley 172.766 156.535 166.674 10.139 6.225
Croydon 224.286 219.247 231.468 12.221 6.739
Ealing 231.215 220.207 231.267 11.061 5.554
Enfield 218.542 205.308 219.733 14.424 9.291
Haringey 218.050 211.003 222.832 11.829 6.553
Harrow 128.889 127.855 134.053 6.199 3.002
Havering 140.082 135.491 142.977 7.486 4.098
Hillingdon 166.928 154.842 165.681 10.839 6.967
Hounslow 173.953 161.867 168.711 6.845 2.797
Kingston upon Thames 81.060 74.257 79.455 5.198 3.341
Merton 109.805 106.620 111.720 5.100 2.434
Newham 301.631 297.248 314.154 16.906 9.473
Redbridge 181.765 165.434 175.930 10.496 6.359
Richmond upon Thames 77.840 77.255 80.404 3.149 1.217
Sutton 116.266 106.043 113.551 7.508 4.856
Waltham Forest 199.383 194.705 203.903 9.198 4.329
GLA—all functions 1,921.062 1,882.079 1,943.191 61.111 14.050
1 For comparison with 2002–03

Funding Council and changes associated with the introduction of the Greater London Authority. There are also various smaller changes in function and responsibility.

Table 1 shows the actual amount of total external support received by London authorities in 2001–02, the adjusted amount for 2001–02 for comparison with 2002–03, the amount for 2002–03, the cash increase relative to the adjusted 2001–02 amount, and the increase in real terms.

Table 2 shows, for the City and the London boroughs, the actual amounts of total external support received in 1992–93, 1996–97, 1997–98 and 2001–02, together with the actual changes in total external support between 1992–93 and 1996–97 and between 1997–98 and 2001–02.

For any year total external support is the sum of redistributed non-domestic rates, Revenue Support Grant, Principal Formula Police Grant, SSA Reduction grant and Central Support Protection Grant.

Table 2 £ million
Authority 1992–93 grant 1996–97 grant Actual increase between 1992–93 and 1996–97 1997–98 grant 2001–02 grant Actual increase between 1997–98 and 2001–02
City of London 66.322 91.699 25.377 94.473 87.307 -7.167
Camden 187.375 177.850 -9.525 181.669 197.281 15.612
Greenwich 192.385 192.117 -0.268 189.742 222.117 32.375
Hackney 260.536 232.572 -27.965 231.980 242.677 10.697
Hammersmith and Fulham 164.172 141.059 -23.113 137.485 144.503 7.018
Islington 207.103 181.565 -25.538 180.452 199.670 19.218
Kensington and Chelsea 129.902 109.063 -20.839 108.858 117.917 9.059
Lambeth 304.100 251.203 -52.897 243.876 260.331 16.454
Lewisham 223.606 207.480 -16.126 210.053 241.892 31.840
Southwark 248.790 227.136 -21.654 227.260 269.502 42.242
Tower Hamlets 233.668 234.105 0.436 237.612 288.075 50.463
Wandsworth 248.595 203.582 -45.013 200.232 206.822 6.591
Westminster 219.329 190.100 -29.229 194.241 198.752 4.511
Barking and Dagenham 108.486 109.785 1.300 112.042 146.386 34.344
Barnet 200.265 168.138 -32.127 170.167 207.164 36.997
Bexley 139.662 120.304 -19.359 121.680 154.980 33.300
Brent 261.863 206.830 -55.033 201.552 223.458 21.906
Bromley 169.135 137.560 -31.576 141.661 172.766 31.106
Croydon 230.242 185.432 -44.810 187.175 224.286 37.112
Ealing 249.843 197.592 -52.251 192.255 231.215 38.960
Enfield 195.798 172.569 -23.229 175.844 218.542 42.698
Haringey 210.626 187.379 -23.246 184.301 218.050 33.749
Harrow 135.610 110.637 -24.973 109.234 128.889 19.655
Havering 139.639 115.946 -23.693 114.841 140.082 25.241
Hillingdon 153.274 138.194 -15.080 138.589 166.928 28.338
Hounslow 159.277 146.096 -13.181 147.188 173.953 26.765
Kingston upon Thames 87.682 68.505 -19.177 68.087 81.060 12.973
Merton 114.200 92.488 -21.712 92.160 109.805 17.645
Newham 250.284 239.128 -11.156 242.050 301.631 59.582
Redbridge 160.990 142.499 -18.490 144.277 181.765 37.488
Richmond upon Thames 91.913 64.605 -27.308 65.851 77.840 11.989
Sutton 105.900 94.605 -11.294 95.225 116.266 21.040
Waltham Forest 197.033 169.359 -27.674 167.912 199.383 31.471