HL Deb 05 December 2002 vol 641 c132WA
Lord Norton of Louth

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What training is provided to senior Ministers to assist them in the running of their departments; and [HL341]

What provision exists for the dissemination to senior Ministers of "best practice" advice in the running of government departments [HL342]

Lord Macdonald of Tradeston

The Cabinet Office provides central training for Ministers. This supports them: operating as a member of the government team; managing the strategic policy and communication aspects of the job as a member of a departmental team; and working with and through Parliament.

The Programmes for Ministers series provides: access to expert contributors from government and the wider public and private sector; discussion with colleagues and sharing best practice; and awareness of current developments in government.

Specific needs of individual Ministers are met on a personal basis.