HC Deb 18 April 2002 vol 383 c1119W
Mr. Goodman

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how the take-up of means-tested benefits has changed(a) since 1997, (b) since 1998, (c) since 1999 and (d) since 2000. [44245]

Malcolm Wicks

Estimates of take-up of income-related benefits for the financial years 1999–2000 and 1998–99 were published in "Income Related Benefits——Estimates of Take-Up 1999–2000". Estimates for 1997–98 were published in "Income Related Benefits——Estimates of Take-Up 1998–99". Copies of both publications are available in the Library.

Estimates are presented as percentage ranges within which departmental statisticians judge the level of true take-up to lie. The ranges for different years overlap; as a result it is not possible to make firm statements about changes in take-up rates between 1997–98 and 1999–2000.