HC Deb 23 November 2001 vol 375 cc491-3W
Chris McCafferty

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list her Department's individual aid contributions to international sexual and reproductive health NGOs via the Civil Society Challenge Fund in(a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and the projected contributions for (f) 2002, (g) 2003 and (h) 2004. [16645]

Clare Short

The levels of funding granted by my Department to international sexual and reproductive health NGOs under the Civil Society Challenge Fund, since the introduction of the scheme in 2000–01 is as follows.

Population Services International 78
International Family Health 152
Population Services International 240
International Family Health 142
Population Services International 257
International Family Health 81
Population Services International 78
International Family Health 12

The funding indicated for 2002–03 onwards represents projects to which we are already committed. Further funding will be dependent on the success of new Civil Society Challenge Fund applications.

2004 Chris McCafferty

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development (1) if she will list her Department's sexual and reproductive health aid contribution, actual and as a percentage of GNP, for(a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and projected contributions for the years (f) 2002, (g) 2003, and (h) 2004 broken down into (i) bilateral, (ii) EU, (iii) multilateral and (iv) NGO aid contributions (A) in total and (B) as a proportion of GNP; [16546]

(2) if she will list her Department's sexual and reproductive health aid contribution in (a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and projected contributions for (f) 2002, (g) 2003, and (h)(i) in total and (ii) as a proportion of GNP; [16544]

(3) if she will list her Department's bilateral aid contributions to sexual and reproductive health aid for (a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and projected contributions for the years (f) 2002, (g) 2003 and (h) 2004, broken down by country. [16547]

Clare Short

Information in the appropriate format has been collected centrally only since 1 April 1998.

In the last three fiscal years, DFID committed the following amounts to projects aimed at Reproductive Health Services including HIV/AIDS.

Year £million
1998–99 39
1999–2000 202
2000–01 436

A breakdown of these figures by country has been placed in the Library of the House. It is not appropriate to present these figures as a proportion of GNP. Contributions for future years are not available.

In addition to the figures shown in the table, over the same period, DFID made total multilateral contributions to UNFPA of £79.5 million, UNAIDS of £12 million, IPPF of £21 million and WHO-HRP of £0.3 million for activities related to reproductive health services including HIV/AIDS.

Chris McCafferty

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list her Department's individual aid contributions to international sexual and reproductive health NGOs in(a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and the projected contributions for (f) 2002, (g) 2003 and (h) 2004. [16646]

Clare Short

Figures on DFID's aid contribution for the last five fiscal years are available in "Statistics on International Development 1996–97 to 2001–01" a copy of which is posted on DFID's website at the following address www.dfid.gov.uk/. The tables which are of relevance are "Table 13 DFID Programme: Bilateral Grants and Other Aid in Kind and Table 14 DFID Expenditure through UK CSOs 2000–01". It is not appropriate to provide projected contributions for future years. A printed version of "Statistics on International Development (SID)" will be placed in the Library of the House following its publication in late November.

2002 Chris McCafferty

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if she will list her Department's emergency relief aid contributions to sexual and reproductive health programme work for(a) 1997, (b) 1998, (c) 1999, (d) 2000, (e) 2001 and projected contributions for (f)(g) 2003 and (h) 2004. [16636]

Clare Short

This information is not collected centrally and to provide data on the basis requested would be at disproportionate cost.