HC Deb 12 November 2001 vol 374 cc576-8W
Mr. Chaytor

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many(a) cases were referred to OPAS, (b) complaints about OPAS were referred to the Pensions Ombudsman, (c) other complaints were referred to the Pensions Ombudsman and(d) complaints were upheld by the Pensions Ombudsman in respect of (i) OPAS and (ii) others and (e) complaints were rejected by the Pensions Ombudsman in each of the last three years. [12104]

Mr. McCartney

The available information is contained in the following table:

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Customers making new and repeat claims in all of the 15 Jobcentre Plus areas that have been operating since 22 October are encouraged to make initial contact with Jobcentre Plus by telephone. During this call the member of staff will collect initial details about the customer, and subsequently send them the appropriate claim forms. We estimate that the phone call should take no longer than 20 minutes. Customers are told the expected call length at the beginning of the call and can request they are called back by the member of staff.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many of the new Jobcentre Plus offices(a) have been risk assessed and (b) are awaiting risk assessment to determine the necessary level of security to be employed following the removal of glass screens. [14238]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

All of the Jobcentre Plus offices which are operating the new Jobcentre Plus process have been risk assessed.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions at what level of risk assessment it will be deemed necessary to provide a Jobcentre Plus office with security staff; and how many security staff he expects will be employed in Jobcentre Plus offices in the next 12 months. [14230]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Decisions on whether individual offices require security staff have been made on the basis of the recommendations of the risk assessments carried out in each office. Currently, 78 security staff are in place in 28 offices. Further risk assessments are shortly to be carried out in all Jobcentre Plus offices, in the light of experience of their actual operation. Further deployment of security staff will be decided in the light of the recommendations of these assessments.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what consultation with Benefits Agency staff was undertaken before the decision to remove glass security screens from new Jobcentre Plus offices; and what were the results of such consultation. [14224]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Jobcentre Plus management have been involved in lengthy discussions nationally with the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union regarding the layout and furnishings of the new Jobcentre Plus offices including in respect of the Risk Assessment process. Local PCS representatives have also been consulted about the safety arrangements in each of the new Jobcentre Plus offices, including in respect of local Risk Assessments. There have also been frequent and regular communications direct with staff in both the Benefits Agency and the Employment Service.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who is responsible for carrying out risk assessments in the new Jobcentre Plus offices; and if this process is subject to reassessment following(a) appeal from office staff and (b) review at designated time intervals. [14237]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Risk assessments in Jobcentre Plus offices were carried out by specialist staff employed by the Employment Service and the company Land Securities Trillium which is responsible for the Benefits Agency estate.

Further risk assessments are shortly to be carried out in all Jobcentre Plus offices in the light of experience of their actual operation.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what his Department's estimate is of the costs involved in equipping all new Jobcentre Plus offices with(a) CCTV, (b) panic alarms and (c) security staff. [14234]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

The estimated additional costs in respect of these measures in the new Jobcentre Plus pathfinder offices are currently in the order of £1 million—£2 million, which represents a mix of one-off and continuing costs.

Mr. Webb

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many Jobcentre Plus offices have opened(a) with and (b) without protective screens; and what contingency plans the Government have to ensure that claimants who live in areas affected by industrial action continue to receive their benefit entitlement. [14036]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

All 15 Jobcentre Plus pathfinder areas have screened facilities for the handling of customers or situations likely to give rise to particular risks.

Detailed contingency plans are in place to ensure that, to the maximum extent possible, customers continue to receive the benefits to which they are entitled, notwithstanding the current dispute.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what personal safety advice has been given to Jobcentre Plus staff following the removal of glass security screens in new offices. [14231]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

A key element in the introduction of the new Jobcentre Plus offices has been intensive training for staff in both interviewing and dealing with difficult situations and customers.

Each office has its own plan in place for handling incidents so that all staff know what action to take should an incident occur.

Mr. Clappison

To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions according to what criteria new Jobcentre Plus offices will be risk assessed; and what protection will be offered to staff in offices determined to be high risk. [14226]

Mr. Nicholas Brown

Risk assessments for each of the new Jobcentre Plus offices have been carried out within the framework of a generic risk assessment which was developed earlier in the year in consultation with staff representatives. This generic risk Assessment recommended a wide range of potential risk control measures which risk assessors used as a basis for completing risk assessments at each Pathfinder office. The list of control measures set out in the generic risk assessment is not prescriptive and assessors were free to make whatever recommendations were appropriate to each office.

Drawing on those assessments, and following consultation with local trade union health and safety representatives, a series of extra security measures have been introduced. These include wide coverage by closed circuit television; training for staff in how to handle difficult situations; better management in each office to avoid difficult situations building up; panic alarms; and more visible and effective security guards. Additionally, in each pathfinder area there are screened facilities to deal with individuals and parts of the business which pose a greater risk.