HL Deb 10 May 2001 vol 625 c223WA
The Earl of Sandwich

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they can confirm Red Cross reports of famine or severe malnutrition in Katanga province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); and what assistance they are providing to those affected there and in other areas of the DRC outside government control. [HL2101]

Baroness Amos

We can confirm that the food security situation in Nyunzu, Kantanga, has been difficult. The town has been isolated as a result of fighting in the surrounding area, and many of its inhabitants have been prevented from cultivating their fields since last year. Her Majesty's Government have been helping the population of Nyunzu via a £1.5 million contribution to the 2001 appeal of the Red Cross, which has been distributing food in Nyunzu since 19 April.

We share the concern about the conflict in the DRC and the appalling impact it has had on the Congolese population. In the financial year 2000–2001, we provided £3.3 million for humanitarian assistance in the DRC which was delivered via a number of established humanitarian agencies and included action in health, nutrition and food security, water and sanitation, protection of prisoners, family tracing, human rights, support to vulnerable urban populations and refugees and work with child ex-combatants. Decisions about where assistance is focused are made on the basis of where needs are greatest, rather than whether or not the area in question is under government control.

In addition, this year the European Community Humanitarian Office is providing 35 million euros of humanitarian assistance to the DRC, of which the UK's contribution will be approximately £4.2 million.