HL Deb 10 May 2001 vol 625 c235WA
Lord Gladwin of Clee

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What were the conclusions of the quinquennial review of the Forest Enterprise executive agency. [HL2140]

Baroness Hayman

The first stage of the review of Forest Enterprise has concluded that the agency has put in a strong performance on the sustainability of its forest management, has successfully involved communities and other stakeholders in its decision-taking and has responded successfully to change—particularly devolution. The review has recommended that Forest Enterprise should retain its status as an executive agency of the Forestry Commission. Ministers in the UK Government, the Scottish Executive and the National Assembly for Wales have accepted these conclusions and recommendations. They intend to review the options for further decentralising the handling of forestry policy and management in the light of continuing experience of the devolved structure. The report of the first stage of the review is available on the Forestry Commission's website and will be placed in the Library.