HC Deb 03 May 2001 vol 367 cc726-7W
Mr. Willis

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) how many teachers commenced the National Qualifications for Headteachers course in(a) April 2000 and (b) January 2001, broken down by (i) Government Office region, (ii) gender and (iii) ethnic background in each recruitment cycle, from (A) primary, (B) secondary, including middle schools where appropriate, and (C) special schools; and how many in each of (a) and (b) (1) have completed the course, (2) are continuing with the qualification and (3) have withdrawn; [159916]

(2) if he will make a statement on the collection and collation of data on the ethnic background of those teachers who start the National Qualification for Headteachers course. [159917]

Ms Estelle Morris

The table sets out the number of candidates on the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) who were recruited during the last two application rounds and began their training in the spring term of 2000 (cohort 7, old model NPQH) and the spring term of 2001 (cohort 1, new model NPQH). The figures are broken down into the categories requested by NPQH region. The NPQH regions are similar to but do not precisely mirror Government Office boundaries.

The Government collect data on the ethnic background of NPQH applicants through the NPQH application form. Applicants are not bound to provide these data and, as a result, current analysis is not statistically meaningful.

National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) Candidate statistics
School phase/type
Primary Secondary Special Other Total
Cohort 7 Old Model NPQH (Spring 2000)
NPQH Candidates by region1
East Midlands 59 38 3 6 106
East 37 28 2 4 71
London 62 39 5 17 123
North 38 29 1 2 70
North West 50 45 14 7 116
South Central 71 34 7 0 112
South East 56 41 2 5 104
South West 49 22 0 1 72
West Midlands 48 35 0 1 84
Yorks and Humberside 44 32 8 3 87
Region unspecified 28 15 2 6 51
Total 542 358 44 52 996
Male 136 201 15 21 373
Female 406 157 29 31 623
Total 542 358 44 52 996
Candidate status
Completed NPQH 70 85 7 11 173
Currently studying 407 224 33 31 715
Withdrawn 65 29 4 10 108
Total 542 358 44 52 996
Cohort 1 New Model NPQH (Spring 2001)
NPQH Candidates by region1
East Midlands 175 88 13 276
East 189 106 9 304
London 214 124 25 363
North 141 59 13 213
North West 200 111 20 331
South Central 206 116 14 337
South East 205 82 16 303
South West 150 70 8 228
West Midlands 150 94 15 2 261
Yorks & Humberside 161 79 12 252
Total 1,792 929 145 2 2,868
Male 427 503 57 1 988
Female 1,365 426 88 1 1,880
Total 1,792 929 145 2 2,868
Candidate status2
Currently studying 1,724 906 141 3 2,774
Withdrawn 67 24 3 0 94
Total 1,792 929 145 2 2,868
1 The 10 NPQH Regions do not tally precisely with Government Office regions.
2 No candidates have yet completed NPQH from cohort 1 as the minimum course length is six months.