HC Deb 27 March 2001 vol 365 cc572-4W
Mr. Hoyle

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what targets he has set for the (a) Driving Standards Agency, (b) Driver Licensing Agency, (c) Vehicle Licensing Agency, (d) Vehicle Certification Agency and (e) Vehicle Inspectorate. [156079]

Mr. Hill

Key targets have been set for the agencies. They are included in the agencies' business plans. The plans also include management objectives, performance indicators and key tasks appropriate to the agencies' businesses. Copies of the business plans will be placed in the Library in due course.

The key targets for the Driving Standards Agency are:

90 per cent. of all customers to be satisfies with the overall level of service received from the Agency.

95 per cent. of candidates to have obtained a theory test appointment at their preferred test centre within two weeks of their preferred date.

The national average practical car test waiting time to be no more than six weeks.

Keep 99.5 per cent. of all theory to it appointments, and 99.5 per cent. of practical test appointment that are in place two days prior to the test appointment.

90 per cent. of calls to booking offices will be answered by a human voice in no more than 20 seconds (following routing by the call handling system).

To achieve a 1.7 per cent. return on capital employed (ROCE) on statutory activities in 2000–01;

Use examiner resource efficiently by achieving an average examiner utilisation for car practical tests of 83 per cent.

The key targets for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency are:

To achieve an overall efficiency gain of 2.5 per cent;

95 per cent. of registration documents for new vehicles and changes to a registration document to be delivered within 12 working days;

95 per cent. of ordinary driving licences to be delivered within 11 working days;

95 per cent. of vocational and first provisional licences delivered within eight working days,

95 per cent. of VED refunds to be delivered within 30 working days;

95 per cent. of written replies to be, delivered within seven working days;

95 per cent. of all telephone calls to be answered within 30 seconds;

95 per cent. of e-mails to be replied to within seven working days.

For 95 per cent. of available service hours, customers have lines available to the Customer Enquiry Unit;

97 per cent. of registration documents for new vehicles, changes to registration documents and driving licences to be produced without DVLA induced error;

To complete 700,000 enforcement cases.

The key targets for the Vehicle Certification Agency are:

To achieve a £100 K surplus on the commercial accounts after a 6 per cent. rate of return on capital employed has been applied.

To have at least 98 per cent. of approval certificates issued error free.

To achieve a score of at least 90 per cent. on the quality and service matrix targets shown in the Plan.

To ensure that the figure for average debtor days is 60 calendar days or less.

To ensure that invoices for Management System Certification work are issued within an average of 25 working days after completion of the chargeable work.

To achieve a higher score overall in the Spring 2001 customer satisfaction survey against key success factors compared to the score in 1998–99.

The key targets for the Vehicle Inspectors are:

To deliver against an effectiveness and quality improvement programme.

To deliver effective road safety and environmental standards activity as agreed with DETR.

To continue to improve customer focus across VI and DVO through the implementation of initiatives in line with the Modernising Government agenda.

To break even year on year and achieve a 6 per cent. real rate of return on capital, over the period 1 April 1998—31 March 2003.

To increase value for money.

To improve performance management across the business. To secure the long-term development of the organisation.