HC Deb 23 March 2001 vol 365 cc403-5W
Mr. Kemp

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many children there were in infant classes of over 30 children in the Northern Region in(a) 1996 and (b) at the latest date for which figures are available. [155095]

Ms Estelle Morris

The information requested is shown in the table.

Central Government capital investment in Northern Region
1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01
Basic Credit Approvals 17,989 18,639 18,629 21,171 27,754
Supplementary Credit Approvals 3,085 5,165 5,122 14,826 11,499
Grant to Voluntary Aided Schools 5,774 4,675 2,277 3,314 5,048
Schools Renewal Challenge Fund 910
New Deal for Schools 5,698 15,970 29,412 36,980
School Security Grant 741 923 933 925
Removal of Outside Toilets 621
Energy Efficiency Initiative 812
Class Size Initiative 2,232 2,990 916
Schools Access Initiative 142 73 75 86
National Grid for Learning Grant 6,330 7,203 9,172
Early Excellence Centres 22 404 657
Assistance with Asset Management Plans 394
Seed Challenge Funding 1,896

Class size data were published in a Statistical Bulletin "Class Sizes and Pupil Teacher Ratios in England 2000" on 20 December 2000, copies of which are available from the Library, or alternatively can be accessed from the Department for Education and Employment statistical website www.dfee.gov.uk/statistics. Figures from this release show that in September 2000, there were just 30,000 infants in classes of over 30 compared with 485,000 in January 1998. Just 2 per cent. of infants are now in such classes compared with 29 per cent. in January 1998.

Number of pupils in infant classes over 30 in the north-east region
January 1996 20,999
January 1997 23,717
January 1998 25,906
January 1999 15,305
January 2000 7,279
September 2000 898

Mr. Kemp

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how much capital investment there has been in primary schools in the Northern Region since 1996. [155096]

Jacqui Smith

The table shows a breakdown of central Government capital investment of £314,026 million in all schools in the Northern Region from 1996 –97 to 2000 –01. Information at primary school level is not readily available.

These allocations include £88.060 million investment made so far in schools under the New Deal for Schools programme.

The New Deal for Schools was introduced as a new additional progranme targeted specifically at addressing the backlog of urgent repairs in school buildings that had built up after 18 years of under funding under the previous Administration. It has been in addition to other capital funds made available in the Northern Region.

Nationally, investment in school buildings has tripled from £683 million a year in 1996–97 to over £2 billion in 2000–01. It will be £3.5 billion in 2003–04, including grant, credit approvals and Private Finance Initiative credits. There will be central Government investment of £8.5 billion in school buildings in total from 2001–02 to 2003–04.

Central Government capital investment in Northern Region
1996–97 1997–98 1998–99 1999–2000 2000–01
Devolved Formula Capital for Schools 19,805
Renewal of School Laboratories 1,852
Nursery Provision 628
Secondary Learning Support Units 257
Total 27,900 34,918 53,011 80.722 117,475


Northern Region defined as the Government Office Northern Region including Darlington, Durham, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, Redcar and Cleveland, South Tyneside, Stockton on Tees and Sunderland local education authorities.

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