HL Deb 24 July 2001 vol 626 c208WA
Lord Molyneaux of Killead

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean on 9 July (WA60), whether they accept that Article 308 of the treaty establishing the European Community is an adequate legal basis for the proposal for a Council regulation on the statute and financing of European political parties (COM(2001) 343 final). [HL438]

Baroness Amos

Her Majesty's Government have considered this proposal carefully and have come to the conclusion that the use of Article 308 is justified legally. Provided the details of the regulation are right, we are content that Article 308 be used, not least to ensure full transparency of funding for European Political Parties as soon as possible.

Lord Molyneaux of Killead

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean on 9 July (WA60), whether any provisions of the proposal for Council regulation on the statute and financing of European political parties (COM(2001) 343 final) as published on 21 June are incompatible with the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. [HL439]

Baroness Amos

The draft regulation on the statute and financing of European political parties is compatible with the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.