HC Deb 20 July 2001 vol 372 cc762-4W
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many teachers were employed in maintained schools in England in each year since 1997,(a) in absolute terms, (b) expressed as full-time equivalents and (c) per hundred pupils in maintained schools. [5903]

Mr. Timms

The data requested are contained in the table.

Number and FTE of teachers in maintained schools in England 1997–2001—position in January each year
Headcount of teachers FTE of teachers1 Number of teachers per 100 pupils
Nursery schools
1997 1,784 1,572 3.5
1998 1,740 1,537 3.6
1999 1,712 1,516 3.6
2000 1,706 1,500 3.7
2001 1,704 1,504 3.8
Primary schools
1997 208,020 182,442 4.7
1998 207,093 181,394 4.6
1999 207,657 182,646 4.7
2000 208,303 183,762 4.7
2001 211,761 185,505 4.8
Secondary schools
1997 197,291 181,692 6.5
1998 197,518 181,853 6.4
1999 198,783 183,578 6.4
2000 200,173 185,429 6.3
2001 204,064 188,951 6.3
Pupil referral units
1997 2,254 1,740 29.9
1998 2,440 1,801 31.5
1999 2,435 1,851 29.5
2000 2,624 1,986 30.9
2001 2,826 2,118 30.4
Special schools
1997 15,125 13,884 16.3
1998 15,129 13,759 16.2
1999 15,118 13,731 16.2
2000 15,132 13,695 16.5
2001 15,221 13,697 16.7
1 Includes full-time and the full-time equivalent of part-time qualified teachers


Annual Schools' Census

Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many teachers have taken early retirement from maintained schools in England in each year since 1997,(a) for health reasons and (b) for other reasons. [5904]

Mr. Timms

Ill-health and premature retirements from the maintained schools sector in England are shown in the following table.

Financial year Ill-health Premature Total
1997–98 3,290 11,480 14,770
1998–99 2,310 2,420 4,720
1999–2000 2,330 2,670 5,010
2000–01 2,420 3,170 5,590


Totals may not equal the sum of component parts because of rounding.

Some teachers may have returned to teaching after receiving a pension.

Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many teachers from maintained schools in England have left the profession for each year since 1997. [5948]

Mr. Timms

Regular qualified teachers leaving1 the maintained schools sector in England.

1996–97 1997–98 1998–99
Full-time 26,320 28,140 20.860
Part-time 7,410 8,480 7.650
Total 33,730 36,620 28,510

1Leaving between 1 April and 31 March of the years shown.