§ Mr. Andrew TurnerTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many teachers from(a) Hampshire, (b) Southampton, (c) Portsmouth and (d) the Isle of Wight local education authorities received training on teachers' pay thresholds at (i) Winchester, (ii) Brighton and (iii) Portsmouth; and how many teachers in total received that training at each location. [2929]
§ Mr. Timms[holding answer 9 July 2001]: Head teachers from (a) Hampshire, (b) Southampton, (c) Portsmouth and (d) the Isle of Wight local education authorities attended threshold training at Brighton and 457W Winchester. 148 attended training at Brighton; 237 attended training at Winchester. The total number of head teachers trained at Winchester was 675, and the total number trained at Brighton was 655.
§ Mrs. MayTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what range of payments is available to returning teachers as returner bonus payments; [3021]
(2) what criteria are to be used for assessing the eligibility of returning teachers for returner bonus payments. [3022]
§ Mr. TimmsOn 26 June 2001 the Government published the school teachers' review body's report on welcome back bonuses for returners to teaching and our response to this report. This response contains our proposals on eligibility for the bonuses and their value. I have placed copies of both the STRB's report and the Government's response in the Library.