HC Deb 27 February 2001 vol 363 cc589-92W
Ms Ward

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union for March and the major European Union events for the period between 31 March and August. [151649]

Mr. Vaz

The information is as follows.

To date we have received the detailed agendas for the following Council meetings in March:

8 March—Brussels—Environment Council

  1. Directive on type-approval of two and three wheeled motor vehicles (common position)
  2. 6th Environment Action Programme (policy debate, public)
  3. Integration of environmental aspects into other policy areas, strategy for sustainable development (information from Presidency and Commission)
  4. World summit on sustainable development, 2002 (presentation by Commission, information by Presidency)
  5. White Paper on Chemicals strategy (policy debate)
  6. Climate Change (council conclusions, preparation for COP6)
  7. 590W
  8. Commission Communication on Bathing Water policy (exchange of views)
  9. Commission Green paper on integrated product policy (presentation)
  10. Presidency reports on state of play on:
    • Directive on public access to information
    • Directive on public participation
    • Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment, and draft directive on restriction of use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
    • Decision on the list of priority substances for water policy
    • Directive on recreational craft
    • Directive on non-road mobile machinery (auto-oils)
    • Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  11. (possibly) Commission proposals on labelling and traceability of GMOs (Commission presentation)
  12. AOB, including a request from the Netherlands for information on measures to reduce emissions of VOCs, in line with the Council minutes statements in June 2000
  13. March—Brussels—Internal Market/Consumer Affairs/Tourism Council
    1. The Cardiff economic reform process—Internal Market aspects Council conclusions
    2. The European Council in Stockholm, 23–24 March—Internal Market aspects Policy debate
    3. Commission Strategy for removing barriers to trade in services Orientation debate
    4. Commission Strategy for Better Lawmaking—Simplification of Legislation Presentation by the Commission
    5. Strategy for integration of environmental protection and sustainable development into Internal Market policy Information by the Presidency
    6. (possibly) Parallel imports/Exhaustion of trademark rights Orientation debate
    7. Community patent Orientation debate/Progress report
    8. (possibly) Community Design Adoption
    9. (possibly) European Company Statute Adoption
    10. (possibly) Strategy for Customs Union Resolution
    11. Public procurement Orientation debate
    12. eEurope Action Plan Progress report Exchange of views
    13. (possibly) White Paper on Chemicals Strategy—internal market and consumer aspects Presentation by the Commission
    14. Food law and establishing the European Food Authority Orientation debate
    15. Proposal on food supplements Political agreement/Common position
    16. Distance marketing of consumer financial services Political agreement

Other business

  • 1–3 March—Uppsala—Informal Research and Education Council
  • 6 March—Brussels—Employment and Social Affairs Council
  • 12 March—Brussels—ECOFIN Council
  • 15–16 March—Brussels—Justice and Home Affairs Council
  • 19 March—Brussels—Agriculture Council
  • 19–20 March—Brussels—General Affairs Council
  • 21 March—Brussels—Fisheries Council
  • 23–24 March—Stockholm—European Council
  • 31 March–1 April—Brussels—Informal Meeting of Ministers of the Environment.

No Agendas for the above are available at present.

The following are the principal events in the EU between 1 April and August 2001 (certain relevant events are also included: the list is based on the information available at the date of issue).

Date Venue Event
5–6 Brussels Transport/Telecommunication Council
8–10 Brussels General Affairs Council
8–10 Brussels Agriculture Council (Informal)
24–25 Brussels Agriculture Council
5–6 Nykoping Gymnich
7 Brussels ECOFIN Council
7 Brussels Employment and Social Council (possible)
14–15 Brussels General Affairs Council
14–15 Brussels Industry and Energy Council
22–23 Brussels Agriculture Council
28–29 Brussels Justice and Home Affairs Council
28 Brussels Education and Youth Council
31 Brussels Development Council
31 Brussels Health Council
5 Brussels ECOFIN
5 Brussels Internal market/Consumer Council
7–8 Brussels Environment Council
11–12 Brussels General Affairs Council
11–12 Brussels Accession Ministerial Conference
11 Brussels Employment/Social Affairs Council
15–16 Gothenburg European Council
18 Brussels Fisheries Council (possible)
19–20 Brussels Agriculture Council
19 Brussels ECOFIN Council (possible)
21 Brussels Culture Council
25–26 Brussels General Affairs Council
26 Brussels Research Council
27–28 Brussels Transport/Telecommunications Council
Date Venue Event
6–7 Brussels Informal Employment and Social Affairs Council
10 Brussels ECOFIN Council
13–14 Brussels Regional Territories Council (Informal)?
16–17 Brussels General Affairs Council
20 Brussels Budget Council
23–24 Brussels Budget Council
There are no European Councils scheduled for August

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