HC Deb 19 December 2001 vol 377 cc310-5W
Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) if she will make a statement on the contribution made by the New Audiences Fund to the efforts to widen access to the arts; [22540]

(2) if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target to increase access to the performing arts by attracting new audiences. [22542]

Dr. Howells

Attendance figures at organisations funded by the Arts Council of England increased by nearly 2 million between 1999–2000 and 2000–01. The contribution of the New Audiences Programme to this improvement is set out in the 2001 DCMS annual report.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement to devolve decision-making to the regions; [22561]

(2) if the New Opportunities Fund has established a network of regionally based staff in pursuit of the PSA target to devolve decision-making to the regions and strengthen regional bodies. [22582]

Dr. Howells

The Regional Cultural Consortiums have all produced regional cultural strategies. The Heritage Lottery Fund in England is now devolved to nine separate regional decision-making committees and by April 2002 the fund will open offices in each English region. The New Opportunities Fund now has a regional team and one representative in each region.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target to work with the British film industry to implement a new joint funded strategy for the development of the industry; [22543]

(2) if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target to develop film culture and a sustainable domestic film industry; [22564]

(3) if she will make a statement on progress towards the target for improving strategic mechanisms for influencing anti-fraud standards in sponsored bodies; [22523]

(4) if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target for performance-related funding agreements of non-departmental public bodies. [22560]

Dr. Howells

The current position is set out in the Department's 2001 Annual Report (CM5114).

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what standard performance targets have been incorporated in the funding agreements of her Department's sponsored museums and galleries. [22559]

Dr. Howells

The following core performance targets appear in the current funding agreements

  • Number of total visitors
  • Number of adult visitors
  • Number of child visitors
  • Number of over-60s visitors
  • Number of website visits
  • Number of UK and overseas loan venues
  • Percentage of collection stored in correct environmental conditions
  • Percentage of collection internet-accessible
  • Number of learners in on-site educational programmes
  • Grant-in-aid per visitor
  • Average days lost sick per employee excluding long-term sickness.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target of extending social inclusiveness by increasing the involvement of identified priority groups in each of the sectors for which her Department has responsibility. [22552]

Dr. Howells

In January this year, DCMS published a sectoral social inclusion strategy for libraries, museums, galleries and archives. Counterpart documents on the historic and built environment and on the arts will follow. In its follow-up report to the work of the Policy Action Team 10 on Arts and Sport, published in February 2201, the Department also presented an action plan for disabled people and an outline action plan for people from ethnic minorities.

DCMS is working with the Arts Council of England to develop the £40 million Creative Partnerships programme, bringing together arts and media professionals with children in 16 deprived areas. All pilots will be up and running by April 2002. DCMS is also working alongside Department for Education and Skills, the New Opportunities Fund, Sport England and the Arts Council of England on the Space for Sport and Arts programme. This will fund new or renovated sports and arts facilities in around 300 primary schools in 65 deprived local education authority areas.

The Millennium Commission made decisions on their fifth funding round in June 2001, for projects that reflect the aims and aspirations of ethnic minority communities in the UK. The Commission awarded 10 grants with a total value of £23.6 million. Grants were awarded during 2000 for projects that reflected the aims and aspirations of black communities in the UK.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on the Public Service Agreement target to transfer her Department's responsibility for underwater archaeology to English Heritage. [22563]

Dr. Howells

The Government are supporting a Private Member's Bill introduced into another place in July 2001 by Baroness Anelay of St. Johns, which includes provisions that were originally in the Culture and Recreation Bill to transfer underwater archaeology to English Heritage. The Bill has completed its passage through the other place and will shortly be introduced into the Commons.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (1) what assessment she has made of the margin of failure to achieve the target for reduced sickness absence in the Royal Parks Agency in 2001; [22571]

(2) what steps she is taking to assist the Royal Parks Agency in meeting its 2003 target for reduced sickness absence. [22570]

Dr. Howells

The Chief Executive of the Royal Parks Agency (RPA) is responsible for meeting the targets set for reduced sick absence. He has put in place a strategy to deliver improved performance in this area. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State monitors the performance of the parks through a funding agreement. Should the RPA fail to meet any of its targets the Chief Executive is required to report this to the Secretary of State.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target of increasing visitor numbers in major national museums. [22525]

Dr. Howells

Visitors to DCMS sponsored museums and galleries increased by 22 per cent, in 2000–01. Child visitors have increased by up to 20 per cent, since 1 April 1999 and visits from people over 60 increased by 40 per cent, in 2000–01. Free access for all to permanent collections held by DCMS sponsored museums was introduced on 1 December 2001.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target of promoting quality tourism development. [22547]

Dr. Howells

Using the performance measure of the level of expenditure in the United Kingdom by domestic and overseas tourists, the target for 2000, £29.1 billion, was exceeded with an outturn of £38.9 billion.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the target for answering external correspondence. [22579]

Dr. Howells

In the period April-October 2001 (latest figures) 88 per cent. of all external correspondence was answered within 18 working days.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what assessment she has made of improved performance as a result of redeveloped funding agreements with non-departmental public bodies. [22565]

Dr. Howells

It is too early to make a full assessment because the new funding agreements came into effect in April of this year. Regular six-monthly reports on the funding agreement targets will be monitored by the Department and will feed into the assessment of progress towards the value-for-money target in the DCMS 2001–04 Public Service Agreement.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the target for the effective use of her Department's estate. [22575]

Dr. Howells

The progress statement in the Department's 2001 Annual Report is still current. With regard to the property at 7 St. James's Square, this has been disposed of by assigning the lease.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what percentage of invoices to her Department in 2000–01 were undisputed. [22580]

Dr. Howells

In 2000–01, 99.4 per cent, of invoices were undisputed.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the target for the review of her Department's services and activities. [22574]

Dr. Howells

The Department is on schedule to meet its current Service Delivery Agreement target to review 50 per cent, (by expenditure) of its services and activities by December 2004. We completed a review of facilities management, accounting for 8 per cent, of spend, in 1999–2000; the function was contracted out. We are about to carry out a review of the core functions of policy-making and sponsorship of non-departmental public bodies. This review will account for a further 40 per cent, and will be completed during 2002–03. Information technology support (5 per cent.) will be reviewed in 2003–04, when contracts are up for renewal.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target for long-term savings in the support for heritage, sport and tourism. [22557]

Dr. Howells

The Department is currently conducting the second stage of a Quinquennial Review of Sport England and the first stage of a review of English Heritage. These reviews will examine, among other issues, the scope for improvements in efficient, effective and responsive service delivery. Following the reconstitution of the English Tourist Board as the English Tourism Council (ETC), resources have been freed up to allow an increase in support to the English Regional Tourist Boards of over a third.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target of ensuring that public service broadcasters sustain the quality and range of their output. [22544]

Dr. Howells

On 13 September 2001, my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State gave the BBC approval to launch three new digital television channels—BBC4 and two children's channels—and five new digital radio channels. The approval was subject to conditions, including commitments to high quality, interactivity and the use of home-grown talent and productions. The new channels should educate and inform as well as entertain, and they should attract a wider range of viewers to all digital services. On 4 December 2001, my right hon. Friend received an application from the BBC to launch BBC3, a channel targeted at younger people, which will be considered in accordance with the published criteria for BBC new services.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target for the number of new educational sessions undertaken by arts organisations. [22555]

Dr. Howells

Estimates based on returns received by the Arts Council of England indicate that the PSA target has been exceeded.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if the target for the disposal of surplus properties at St. Pancras has been achieved. [22568]

Dr. Howells

The land to the north of the British Library at St. Pancras has been temporarily transferred to the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions, for purposes connected with the channel tunnel rail link. Once the land is returned to DCMS, disposal will be considered in the light of available opportunities.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the target for the reduction of running costs as a proportion of the departmental expenditure limit. [22578]

Dr. Howells

On the basis of my Department's current expenditure limits for the financial years 2001–02 to 2003–04, the average annual reduction in running costs is forecast to be approximately 4 per cent.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on performance against the target for the Millennium celebrations. [22524]

Dr. Howells

The Department remains committed to co-ordinating the Government's interest in the Millennium following an array of successful celebrations during the year 2000. After the closure of the Millennium Experience on 31 December 2000 which was operated by the New Millennium Experience Company (NMEC), the Department has continued to worked closely with the Millennium Commission which is distributing over £2 billion of Lottery funds. The commission has invested carefully and the projects it has funded will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

The commission's projects have created an estimated 13,300 permanent jobs and many capital projects have also acted as a catalyst for the regeneration of key areas throughout the country. Projects have levered in significant additional funding from a wide variety of sources, and the capital projects programme has constituted 1.35 per cent, of the total UK construction industry by value since 1994.

A study into the economic impact of the Millennium Experience at Greenwich which was jointly commissioned by NMEC, English Partnerships and the London borough of Greenwich, has established that the Dome eventually generated contracts worth more than £500 million for UK companies; generated £385 million in direct spending by visitors on transport, accommodation, catering etc.; provided work for over 7,700 people in construction and over 5,000 in management and operation between 1997 and 2000; and led to the regeneration of nearly 300 acres of formerly derelict, contaminated land.

Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target to raise standards of care of museum collections and public access to them. [22553]

Dr. Howells

Since 1999, the Designated Museums Challenge Scheme has provided support for each museum with designated collections. £15 million has been awarded to help improve the care of and access to those collections, in recognition of their outstanding importance. The number of museums in the scheme was increased to 62 in 1999.

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