§ Mrs. Curtis-ThomasTo ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will list the(a) Ministers, (b) Government officers, (c) Members of Parliament and (d) delegates attending the Manufacturing Summit in Birmingham on 5 December; what criteria were used to select them; and what the terms of reference were for the event. [20542]
§ Ms Hewitt[holding answer 5 December 2001]: The full list of delegates is as follows:
- Patricia Hewitt—Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
- Nick Brown—Minister for Work
- Andrew Smith—Chief Secretary, HM Treasury
- Sir Ken Jackson—General Secretary, AEEU
- Chris Liddell—General Secretary, Transport and General Workers
- Eddie Lynch—General Secretary, Iron and Steel Trade Conference
- Paul Gates—General Secretary, KFAT
- Roger Lyons—General Secretary, MSF
- John Monks—General Secretary, TUC
- Estelle Morris—Secretary of State for Education and Skills
- Alan Johnson—Minister for Employment Relations and the Regions
- Tony Burke—Deputy General Secretary. Graphic Paper and Media Union
- Martin Temple—Director General, Engineering Employers Federation
- John Weston—Chief Executive, BAE Systems
- Paul Barron—President, Alstom UK
- Sir Ian Gibson—Innovation and Growth Team
- Ken Poulter—Small Business Service
- James McAdam—Chairman, Textile and Clothing Strategy Group
- John Edmonds—General Secretary, GMB
- Christine Wood—Regional Secretary, TUC Midlands Region
- Ray Griffiths—AEEU
- Kevin Curran—GMB
- Bill Holmes—MSF
- Bob Dover—Chief Executive, LandRover
- Graham Speechley—Managing Director, Benteler Automotive UK Ltd.
- David Warren—Director Business Group, British Trade International
- Graham Garbutt—Regional Director, Government Office for the West Midlands
- Mike Warnock—Director, Strategic Planning, Northern Ireland Industrial Development Board
- Greg McConnell—Deputy Secretary DETI, Northern Ireland
- Charlie Woods—Senior Director Knowledge Management, Scottish Enterprise
- John Wilson—Director General, British Apparel and Textile Confederation
- Sue Battle—British Chamber of Commerce
- Mike Baunton—Perkins Engines
- Michael Stark—Learning and Skills Council
- Digby Jones—Director General, Confederation of British Industry
- Dr. Julie Madigan—Chief Executive, The Manufacturing Institute
- Professor Kumar Bhattacharrya—Chief Executive, Warwick Manufacturing
- John Cushnaghan—Managing Director, Nissan UK
- George Barlow—Chairman, London Development Agency
- Graham Hall—Chairman, Yorkshire Forward
- Alex Stephenson—Chairman, Advantage West Midlands
- Lord Thomas of Macclesfield—Chairman, North West Development Agency
- Derek Mapp—Chairman, East Midlands Development Agency
- Chris Farrow—Welsh Development Agency
- Rita Donaghy—Chair, ACAS
- Adrian Hill—HEFCE
- Vincent Watts—Chairman, East of England Development Agency
757W- Sir Michael Lickiss—Chairman, South West Regional Development Agency
- John Bridge—Chairman, One North East.
In addition, there were 31 observers from Government Departments and from the other organisations represented at the summit.
Delegates were selected on the basis that there should be a good, representative spread of manufacturing interests around the table, which would lead to a manageable and informed discussion.
There were no specific terms of reference for the event. Its purpose was to provide an opportunity for government and its partners to come together and share views on what the key issues are, and to focus on the practical steps for dealing with them.