§ Mr. Laurence RobertsonTo ask the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions what research he has undertaken into the pollutants emitted from(a) petrol and (b) diesel engines; and if he will make a statement. [19788]
§ Mr. Jamieson[holding answer 30 November 2001]In the past two years the Department has conducted nine main research projects on pollutant emissions from road vehicles, some of which are still ongoing.
Completed projects for which reports will shortly be deposited in the House Libraries are;
- Detection of Vehicles Burning Lubricating Oil—AEA Technology (Petrol)
- DETR/SMMT/CONCAWE Particulate Research Programme—Ricardo (Petrol and Diesel)
- Low Emissions Diesel Research, Phase 1—AEA Technology (Diesel)
- Monitoring of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Control Systems For The Detection of Off-Cycle Strategies—Lotus Engineering (Diesel).
Ongoing projects for which reports are not yet available are:
- In-Service Exhaust Emissions Testing For SI Petrol Engines—AEA Technology (Petrol)
- Ethanol Emissions Testing—AEA Technology (Petrol) Emissions Factors—TRL (Petrol and Diesel)
- In-car Pollution Levels—AEA Technology (Petrol and Diesel)
- Remote Sensing and Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance Programmes—TRL (Petrol).
In addition the Department sponsors Powershift and CleanUp, programmes managed by the Energy Saving Trust, which monitor performance of a range of alternatively fuelled vehicles and emission reduction technologies. The Department also funds emissions research conducted by other organisations through the Foresight vehicle programme and the International Energy Agency. As a result of the Greener Fuels Challenge, the Department is also funding research into examining the benefits of promising fuels.