HL Deb 16 October 2000 vol 617 cc69-70WA
Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list the current members of the Firearms Consultative Committee, indicating in respect of each member the date of appointment and previous relevant experience and expertise. [HL4070]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office (Lord Bassam of Brighton)

Details of the current membership of the Committee and the areas from which they derive the knowledge and experience of the matters listed in section 22(1) of the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 are set out below. All appointments took effect from 7 September.

Mr David Penn (Chairman) Imperial War Museum
Mr Brian Carter Firearms Consultant. Gun Trade Association and Shooting Sports Trust
Col Sandy Ewing Former Chief Executive, National Rifle
Association, former army Colonel
Mr Bill Harriman Head of Firearms, British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Mr James Hart Assistant Commissioner, City of London Police, Chair of Association of Chief Police Officers Sub-Committee on Firearms Licensing

necessary to make assumptions about future mortality, as those cohorts will not yet have all died. For section (a) of the table below, actual mortality between 1940 and 1999 (the latest year for which population estimates and deaths by age are available) has been used together with projected mortality thereafter from the 1998-based national population projections made by the Government Actuary's Department. In section (b), life expectancy has been calculated from the mortality rates experienced in the years shown only. It is these "period" figures that are most commonly published.

Lt Col John Hoare Secretary, National Small-Bore Rifle Association
Mr Mike Lobb Firearms Licensing Officer
Mrs Gill Mashall-Andrews Gun Control Network
Mr Davie McCrone Deputy Chief Constable, Greater Manchester Police. Chair of the Association of Chief Police Officers Sub-Committee on the Criminal Use of Firearms
Mr Kenneth McInnes Assistant Chief Constable, Fife Constabulary
Mr Kevin O'Callahan Forensic Science Service
Mr Bob Pitcher Proof Master, London Proof House
Mr Roger Sanbrook Head of Firearms Policy Unit, HM Customs & Excise
Mr Mark Scoggins Solicitor. Represented BSSC during Lord Cullen's Inquiry
Prof Jonathan Shepherd Victim Support. Surgeon specialising in firearms wound ballistics
Dr Stephen Smith Technical adviser, National Farmers Union
Mr Ian Sneddon Head of Police Division, Scottish Executive
Mr Graham Policing and Crime
Widdecombe Reduction Group. Home Office
Mr Arthur Winnington Farmer and Magistrate.