HC Deb 01 November 2000 vol 355 cc506-7W
Mr. Pearson

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many schools in(a) Dudley, South and (b) Dudley Metropolitan borough have extra teachers as a result of the Government's class size initiative. [135863]

Ms Estelle Morris

The Government are well on track to deliver their infant class size pledge. £620 million is available to support the pledge, and allocations to Dudley LEA so far amount to some £1.75 million. This has enabled the authority to provide additional infant teachers in 24 schools in the borough, of which 10 are to schools in the Dudley, South constituency. It has also enabled the authority to reduce the number of pupils in infant classes of over 30 pupils in September 2000 to 96 (1.1 per cent.), from 739 (7.7 per cent.) in September 1999. The figure in January 1998 was 2,873 (27 per cent.).

Mr. Pearson

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many classroom assistants there are in(a) Dudley, South and (b) Dudley Metropolitan borough; and what the figure was in May 1997. [135864]

Ms Estelle Morris

The available information is shown in the following table.

The number of full-time educational support staff in maintained schools in Dudley, South parliamentary constituency has increased by 27 per cent. since January 1997. In Dudley local education authority area the equivalent percentage increase is 42 per cent. The Government will increase by 20,000 the number of full-time equivalent support staff working in primary and secondary schools in England by 2002.

Information on educational support staff has recently been published in a statistical volume "Statistics of Education—Schools in England 2000" a copy of which is available from the Library, or alternatively can be accessed on the Department's statistical website www.dfee.gov.uk/statistics.

Full-time equivalent numbers of educational support staff1 in maintained schools in the parliamentary constituency area of Dudley, South: 1997–2000 Position as at January
1997 1998 1999 2000
Nursery 5 4 4 1
Primary 89 97 102 124
Secondary 29 31 31 31
Special 20 24 24 27
Pupil Referral units 4 4 4 5
Total 148 160 166 188
1Includes both full-time and the full-time equivalent of part-time non-teaching staff

Full-time equivalent numbers of educational support staff1 in maintained school in the local education authority area of Dudley Metropolitan borough: 1997–2000 Position as at January
1997 1998 1999 2000
Nursery 5 4 4 1
Primary 303 357 382 451
Secondary 113 124 127 140
Pupil Referral units 4 4 4 5
Total 479 553 589 674
1Includes both full-time and the full-time equivalent of part-time non-teaching staff