HL Deb 02 May 2000 vol 612 c157WA
Lord Hoyle

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What records are kept of the membership of magistrates' benches in those areas which are the responsibility of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and how these are monitored. [HL2107]

Lord Falconer of Thoroton

Records are kept of gender, age, area of residence, occupation, ethnic background and political views of all candidates appointed in the 26 benches in the Duchy area. In addition, records are kept of each magistrate's attendances in court and any leave of absence which has been granted.

Since 1999 advisory committees, which recommend suitable candidates for appointment to the magistracy to the Chancellor of the Duchy, are required to submit an annual report to the Chancellor giving details of recruitment during the previous year, including numbers of people who have applied, their age breakdown, gender, political views and ethnic breakdown. The annual report also includes magistrates on the active list, their gender, age, politics, occupations, attendances and ethnic breakdown. Number of votes cast in the area for each of the main political parties at the last two general elections is also given.

Monitoring is a continuous process with advisory committees checking to see if any emphasis should be placed on their recruitment strategy. For example if the political balance of the bench needs improving.