HC Deb 02 May 2000 vol 349 c31W
Mr. Jack

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will publish details of the methodology used by the Inland Revenue to calculate the increase in tax yield that will result from the proposed changes in tax legislation as it affects offshore mixer companies; [120291]

(2) if he will publish details of the calculations undertaken by the Inland Revenue to determine the level of tax yield arising from his proposals in the Finance Bill dealing with controlled foreign companies and tax mixing arrangements. [120290]

Dawn Primarolo

The expected yield from these changes as set out in Table A.13 of the 2000 "Financial Statement and Budget Report" is based on accepted methodology used by all Governments.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the feasibility of tax mixing onshore. [120288]

Dawn Primarolo

The issues concerning a system of onshore pooling were fully discussed in the paper "Double taxation relief for companies" published by the Inland Revenue in March 1999.

Mr. Jack

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer which G7 and OECD countries allow tax mixing to take place. [120285]

Dawn Primarolo

Just as overall tax systems vary from country to country, so do their respective mechanisms for relieving double taxation. It is not likely that any two countries will have double taxation relief systems that are identical. Direct comparisons are therefore of limited value and can be misleading.