§ Mr. HopeTo ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what the key performance targets are for Her Majesty's Land Registry and the Public Record Office executive agencies for 2000–01. [117393]
§ Mr. LockThe following tables set out the key performance targets that the Lord Chancellor has set for Her Majesty's Land Registry and the Public Record Office for 2000–01.
HM Land Registry—key performance indicators and targets 2000–01 Indicator Target Financial Percentage return on average capital employed 6 Efficiency Cost per unit in real terms £25.09 Cost per unit in cash terms1 £30.87 'Service First' Standards Speed Percentage of office copy and official search applications processed within two working days, and 98 Percentage of office copy and official search applications processed within three working days 100 Percentage of all registrations processed within 25 working days2 80 Accuracy Percentage of registrations processed free of any error 98.5 Percentage of customers responding to the Annual Survey who perceive the accuracy of registrations to be excellent or good Better than 902 Delivery of Electronic Services Percentage of dealings (key customer interactions) capable of electronic delivery 50 Percentage of titles in the land register capable of electronic delivery 96 Percentage of title plans in the land register capable of electronic delivery All Number of scanned pages of filed documents (millions) 11 1 The inflation factor for the cost per unit in cash terms is derived from the GDP indices announced by HM Treasury in December 1999 2 In 2000–01 the categories will be 'very satisfied' and 'satisfied' with the accuracy of registrations Notes:
- 1. The financial target of £0 External Financing Limit shown in the corporate plan 1998–2003 has been removed at the request of HM Treasury.
- 2. Fuller details of HMLR's targets are in its Business Plan.
Public Record Office—key performance targets 2000–01 Indicator Target 1. Efficiency Unit cost of activities: (a) selecting and preserving the public records Limit increase to 3 per cent, in real terms (b) giving access to records Reduce by 26 per cent, in real terms Backlog of records in departments reported as being over 30 years old and awaiting review Reduce by 397 metres Management efficiency in running support services and projects Reduce the level of staff sick absence in 2000 by 8.2 per cent. Pay 99 per cent, of invoices within 30 days 2. Quality of service The achievement of Charter Standards: (a) Charter Standards targets for: making newly opened records and their catalogues available to users; answering letters; delivering records to users; supplying copies of records; answering the telephone; and keeping appointments Achieve 98.5 per cent, against the targets (b) User satisfaction surveys Carry out four satisfaction surveys and achieve assessments of 'good' or 'excellent' from 90 per cent, of those expressing a view 3. Effectiveness Performance in achieving specified milestones towards strategic objectives in the light of emerging Government policies (a) Facilitate the achievement by the Departments of the Modernising Government Action Plan objective for managing records electronically, by testing electronic records management systems and by providing details of those which are suitable for inclusion in GCat (the Government Catalogue) by 30 September 2000 (b) Increase revenue by 3 per cent, against the 1999–2000 outturn Note
Fuller details of the Office's targets are given in its Business Plan which is available from the Public Record Office