HL Deb 15 March 2000 vol 610 c208WA
Lord Hylton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps are being taken to identify and arrest those responsible for (a) the destruction or severe damaging of 209 mosques in Kosovo; (b) the burning on 24 March 1999 of the library of Hadum Suleiman Aga in Dakovica; (c) the destruction of the Bektashi tekke of Axhize Baba in Dakovica and its library in May 1999; (d) the destruction of Atik Medrese and its library in Pec/Peja; and (e) the destruction of Atik Medrese in Urosevac/Ferizay. [HL1326]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

The UN international police (UN1P) have responsibility for criminal investigations. Given their limited resources, they have to prioritise, which means concentrating on investigations relating to current criminal activity. The protection of religious and patrimonial sites in Kosovo is seen as important by KFOR and UNMIK. KFOR provide armed guards to protect churches and monasteries.