HL Deb 13 March 2000 vol 610 cc174-5WA
Lord Ahmed

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which British non-government organisations based in Britain are active in Sudan. [HL1337]

Baroness Amos

The following NGOs, all British-based or with British offices, have worked in Sudan this financial year with DfID funding:

British Red Cross/International Committee of the Red Cross.

  • Care.
  • Concern.
  • Goal.
  • Médicins Sans Frontières.
  • WA 175
  • Save the Children Fund.
  • Tear Fund.

Other groups may also be working with funding from other sources. On 1 March 2000, a number of NGOs withdrew from areas of South Sudan controlled by the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Army because they were unwilling to sign an agreement controlling their activities.

Lord Ahmed

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Which British and foreign non-government organisations which are active in Sudan received funding directly or indirectly from the British Government in the fiscal years 1997–98 and 1998–99; and whether they will provide details of the funding provided by each organisation. [HL1338]

Baroness Amos

A table listing those nongovernmental organisations which, during 1997–98 and 1998–99, received funding from DfID for projects in Sudan is attached.

DfID contributions to non-governmental organisations in Sudan in 1997–98 and 1998–99
1997–98 1998–99 Total
NGO £ £ £
ACROSS 35,186 35,186
Aktion Afrika Hilfe 183,961 183,961
British Red Cross/International Committee Red Cross 2,250,000 2,250,000
Care 135,396 605,717 741,113
Christian Aid 124,716 124,716
Goal 16,433 452,479 468,912
Medecins Sans Frontieres 555,149 2,837,204 3,392,353
Merlin 731,419 731,419
Ockenden Venture 34,736 48,420 83,156
Oxfam 880,801 87,000 967,801
Save the Children Fund 698,085 743,731 1,441,816
Tear Fund 48,691 48,691
World Vision 27,883 286,395 314,278
Total 2,532,444 8,250,958 10,783,402

Lord Ahmed

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether any non-governmental organisation has been directly involved in supplying and transporting arms and ammunition, including anti-aircraft weapons and landmines, to combatants in the civil war in Sudan. [HL1342]

Baroness Amos

We have detected no evidence of non-governmental organisation (NGO) involvement in these activities. An EU arms embargo was initiated in 1994. We expect this to remain for as long as the civil war continues.