HC Deb 26 July 2000 vol 354 cc622-6W
Mr. Hesford

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much of the additional spending for health announced in the last Budget has been allocated to achieve specific targets; what the targets are for each health authority; and how much funding has been allocated to each target within each health authority. [131744]

Table 1:
Purpose £ million
Additions to health authority any primary care group/trust unified allocations, to achieve financial balance, to improve waiting lists and times, to implement winter plans, including developing intermediate care services and to action recommendations of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. 600
To reward performance against indicators for waiting, winter planning and financial balance. The money is allocated in stages throughout the year. The criteria used to assess whether health authorities receive payments are based on national benchmarks and locally agreed plans. 60
For further development of services for wheelchair users. Health authorities are able to use this money flexibly to meet local needs and priorities in wheelchair services. 4
For further development of smoking cessation clinics. This money supports the National Priorities Guidance targets for smoking, namely 150,000 smokers accessing services and 20,000 quitting long-term; which in turn supports a 1 per cent, fall in prevalence by April 2001. 4
Further funding for booked admissions to reduce waiting. By March 2001 booking should be taking place in all acute NHS Trusts, in at least two specialities/high volume procedures. By the same date amount two million patients will have received a booked appointment or admission to hospital. 10
To support extended access to primary care and access to extended services in primary care. No specific targets for health authorities yet set. 54.5
For nurse leadership initiatives enabling all ward sisters and charge nurses to attend a leadership programme. 2
To increase critical care capacity (£5 million for neo-natal services and £145 million for adult intensive care of which £2.5 million goes to support local service redesign). Allocations to individual health authorities will be announced shortly. 150
For a flu vaccination programme. This will be offered to all aged 65 and over, as well as the 'risk' population. The main objective is to reduce the number of deaths and serious illness in those groups most likely to be affected. 60
For information technology. Allocations to health authorities and targets to be finalised. 60
For the development of cancer networks and for a peer review assessment visiting process for cancer services. 3

Table 2: £000
Health Authority Additions to unified allocations Performance fund1 Wheelchairs2 Booked admissions2 Access to primary care Smoking cessation2
Avon 11,390 285 275 216 1,035 267
Barking and Havering 4,893 0 0 0 444 114
Barnet 3,996 0 88 0 363 97
Barnsley 3,094 0 65 113 281 169
Bedfordshire 6,288 167 158 0 571 220
Berkshire 8,779 219 222 61 797 204
Bexley and Greenwich 5,262 0 0 0 478 128
Birmingham 13,075 327 287 530 1,188 315
Bradford 6,090 152 138 0 553 346
Brent and Harrow 5,869 0 131 199 533 259
Bromley 3,527 0 0 0 320 82
Buckinghamshire 7,360 184 193 0 669 169
Bury and Rochdale 4,858 0 112 0 441 277
Calderdale and Kirklees 7,079 177 166 96 643 170
Cambridge 7,948 0 248 94 722 182
Camden and Islington 6,131 0 105 194 557 360
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly 5,952 0 140 0 541 328
County Durham 8,095 202 173 260 735 190
Coventry 3,998 100 86 0 363 92
Croydon 3,958 99 0 0 359 96
Doncaster 3,800 95 84 78 345 209
Dorset 8,389 210 194 209 762 195
Dudley 3,571 0 89 0 324 84
Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow 9,204 230 186 219 836 221
East and North Hertfordshire 5,661 0 140 177 514 127
East Kent 7,382 185 0 0 670 175
East Lancashire 6,790 170 147 91 617 161
East London and The City 9,944 249 173 0 903 574
East Riding 6,916 173 165 0 628 389

Mr. Denham

Table 1 shows the elements of the additional spending for health announced in the last Budget that have been earmarked for health authorities to date, together with targets where appropriate. Table 2 shows the sums that have been allocated to each health authority to date. Other sums have been allocated other than to health authorities or are yet to be allocated.

Table 2: £000
Health Authority Additions to Unified allocations Performance Fund1 Wheelchairs2 Booked admissions2 Access to primary care Smoking cessation2
East Surrey 4,598 0 0 0 418 109
East Sussex Bright and Hove 9,443 236 0 0 858 224
Enfield and Haringey 6,234 156 135 0 566 154
Gateshead and South Tyneside 4,915 123 103 0 446 274
Gloucestershire 6,205 155 158 106 564 145
Herefordshire 1,909 48 47 0 173 44
Hillingdon 2,989 75 70 0 272 74
Isle of Wight 1,649 41 35 0 150 38
Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster 6,122 153 100 182 556 145
Kingston and Richmond 4,061 102 1,934 0 369 93
Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham 10,949 274 0 389 995 648
Leeds 8,981 0 207 0 816 503
Leicestershire 10,286 257 264 261 934 386
Lincolnshire 7,603 190 175 99 691 173
Liverpool 6,521 163 135 75 592 368
Manchester 6,514 163 123 145 592 356
Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth 7,853 0 0 0 713 193
Morecambe Bay 3,803 95 89 67 345 90
Newcastle and North Tyneside 6,333 158 137 0 575 361
Norfolk 8,847 0 177 45 804 211
North and East Devon 5,689 0 135 139 517 131
North and Mid Hampshire 5,586 140 156 0 507 131
North Cheshire 3,779 94 89 42 343 91
North Cumbria 3,803 0 91 0 345 211
North Derbyshire 4,393 110 107 0 399 103
North Essex 9,755 244 250 0 886 233
North Nottinghamshire 4,669 117 112 0 424 110
North Staffordshire 5,965 0 137 0 542 300
North West Lancashire 6,175 154 133 108 561 148
North Yorkshire 8,368 209 210 0 760 196
Northamptonshire 6,208 155 173 80 564 158
Northumberland 3,777 0 89 68 343 208
Nottingham 7,678 192 184 0 697 436
Oxfordshire 6,535 0 172 119 594 149
Portsmouth and South East Hants 6,394 0 152 0 581 149
Redbridge and Waltham Forest 5,469 0 133 0 497 135
Rotherham 3,082 77 74 0 280 180
Salford and Trafford 5,847 0 128 95 531 330
Sandwell 3,959 99 84 70 360 212
Sefton 3,605 0 84 0 327 209
Sheffield 6,907 173 151 0 627 388
Shropshire 4,817 120 121 147 438 113
Solihull 2,337 58 58 0 212 51
Somerset 5,561 139 138 0 505 129
South and West Devon 7,250 0 170 88 659 276
South Cheshire 7,715 193 193 0 701 179
South Essex 8,255 206 200 75 750 192
South Humber 3,725 93 91 0 338 86
South Lancashire 3,543 89 89 90 322 82
South Staffordshire 6,189 0 168 147 562 148
Southampton and South West Hants 6,302 158 170 132 572 145
Southern Derbyshire 6,694 167 158 107 608 155
St. Helens and Knowsley 4,553 114 95 0 414 244
Stockport 3,377 84 84 66 307 79
Suffolk 7,546 189 189 125 685 170
Sunderland 3,877 97 86 0 352 222
Tees 7,169 179 159 147 651 406
Wakefield 4,045 0 91 150 367 220
Walsall 3,190 80 75 153 290 182
Warwickshire 5,531 0 142 0 502 131
West Hertfordshire 6,054 0 149 0 550 142
West Kent 10,750 0 0 125 976 249
West Pennine 5,816 145 137 101 528 144
West Sussex 9,050 226 0 77 822 211
Western Surrey 6,860 172 0 195 623 161
Wigan and Bolton 7,410 185 114 77 673 177
Wiltshire 6,531 163 172 0 593 152
Wirral 4,213 105 95 125 383 237
Wolverhampton 3,136 0 70 0 285 179
Worcestershire 5,748 144 154 0 522 135
1 Performance fund paid in quarterly tranches. Figures shown are for the first tranche.
2 The additional funding announced in the Budget has been used to enhance an existing budget. Figures shown are for the full budget.

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