HL Deb 21 February 2000 vol 610 cc1-2WA
Lord Shore of Stepney

asked the Chairman of Committees:

How many Lords are serving on the European Union Committee and its Sub-Committees; and how many of them belong, respectively, to the Conservative, Labour and Liberal parties and how many are Cross-Benchers. [HL1075]

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Boston of Faversham)

The Select Committee on the European Union has 19 members. They all (with the exception of the Chairman, Lord Tordoff) also serve on a Sub-Committee. Each Sub-Committee has, in addition, a number of co-opted members. The total number of Lords serving on the Select Committee and its Sub-Committees is 69.

The breakdown by political party/membership of the Cross-Benches is as follows:

Labour 23
Conservative 19
Liberal Democrat 13

Cross-Bench 13
Chairman 1
Total 69

The Chairman is an Officer of the House and is not counted as a member of a political party or the Cross-Benches.