HL Deb 14 February 2000 vol 609 cc128-31WA
Lord Pearson of Rannpoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Cumulatively, over the six year period 1993–98 inclusive, which 10 countries were the leading inward investors into the United Kingdom; and what percentage of total cumulative inward investment did each country provide over that period (in both cases excluding investment in real estate). [HL891]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the Director of the Office for National Statistics, who has been asked to reply.

Letter to Lord Pearson of Rannoch from the Economic Statistics Director of the Office for National Statistics, Mr John Kidgell, dated 11 February 2000.

The Director of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been asked to reply to your parliamentary Question on the 10 leading inward investing countries into the United Kingdom over the six years 1993 to 1998.I am replying in Dr Holt's absence.

The only geographical breakdown available is for direct investment. The attached table shows the 10 leading countries in terms of cumulative flows of net direct investment over 1993 to 1998 inclusive, along with the percentage they contribute to the total cumulative net inward direct investment over that period. The figures exclude pure real estate investments by foreign companies.

Country Cumulative inward net* direct investment flows 1993–98 £ million Percentage of total net* inward direct investment into UK
USA 54,893 53
Switzerland 16,206 16
Netherlands 6,659 6
Germany 4,980 5
France 4,775 5
Australia 3,304 3
Irish Republic 2,274 2

Inward Investment and Gross Fixed Capital Investment 1993–98
(£ million at current prices)
Total Gross Transfer Costs of non-produced assets Dwellings GDFCF less dwellings etc NPQX -EQBY -DFDF
Inward Investment HBNS Fixed Capital Formation Public Sector Private Sector
1993 163,293 460 162,833 101,230 376 17,124 5,089 78,641 207%
1994 187,575 932 186,643 208,620 725 35,409 10,297 162,189 115%
1995 303,824 1,156 302,668 324,980 851 54,193 15,519 254,417 119%
1996 524,765 1,769 522,996 450,655 984 74,660 22,584 352,427 148%
1997 768,425 2,619 765,806 584,808 1,298 96,678 30,183 456,649 168%
1998 885,600 3,317 882,283 734,065 1,315 121,441 38,002 573,307 154%

Source: NPQX,DLXQ,DFDF,EQBY, 1995–98 UK Economic Accounts No. 28, 1993 and 1994 ONS Databanks.

Source: Inward Investment, see Backround note 1.

Country Cumulative inward net* direct investment flows 1993–98 £ million Percentage of total net* inward direct investment into UK
Belgium & Luxembourg (BLEU) 1,633 2
Bermuda 1,630 2
Norway 1,162 1
Total net* inward direct investment into UK 103,162
*Net of disinvestment (i.e. net of flows from UK subsidiaries to their foreign parents).

Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Cumulatively, over the six-year period 1993–98 inclusive, what proportion did total inward investment from overseas (excluding investment in real estate) bear to total Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation (excluding dwellings and transfer costs on land and buildings). [HL892]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the Director of the Office for National Statistics, who has been asked to reply.

Letter to Lord Pearson of Rannoch from the Economic Statistics Director of the Office for National Statistics, Mr John Kidgell, dated 11 February 2000.

The Director of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been asked to reply to your parliamentary Question on the proportion of investment income from abroad (excluding investment in real estate) relative to gross fixed capital formation (excluding dwellings and transfer costs). I am replying in Dr Holt's absence.

The data requested are shown in the table attached and are consistent with those published in the December Balance of Payments First Release and National Accounts First Release. You should note that data for inward investment includes portfolio investment and other financial flows, whereas gross fixed capital formation does not include the acquisition of financial assets.

Lord Pearson of Rannoch

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Cumulatively, over the six-year period 1993–98 inclusive, what proportion did total inward investment from overseas (excluding investment in real estate) bear to United Kingdom gross domestic product. [HL893]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the Director of the Office for National Statistics, who has been asked to reply.

Letter to Lord Pearson of Rannoch from the Economic Statistics Director of the Office for National Statistics, Mr John Kidgell, dated 11 February 2000.

The Director of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been asked to reply to your parliamentary Question on the proportion of investment income from abroad (excluding investment in real estate) relative to the United Kingdom's gross domestic product. I am replying in Dr Holt's absence.

The data requested are shown in the table below and are consistent with those published in the December Balance of Payments First Release and National Accounts First Release. The cumulative total for inward investment (excluding real estate) includes direct, portfolio and other investment.

Cumulative inward investment (excluding investment in real estate) £ million Cumulative Gross Domestic Product at current prices £ million Inward investment (excluding investment in real estate) as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product %
1993 162,833 637,817 25.5
1994 186,643 1,313,853 14.2
1995 302,668 2,026,401 14.9
1996 522,996 2,781,002 18.8
1997 765,806 3,584,891 21.4
1998 882,283 4,432,311 19.9


Office for National Statistics.