HL Deb 10 April 2000 vol 612 cc1-2WA
Baroness Whitaker

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether the United Kingdom will continue to uphold the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe's embargo on the export of weapons and military equipment to Azerbaijan. [HL1942]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

The UK remains committed to the OSCE arms embargo against both Azerbaijan and Armenia, which the UK interprets as covering all goods and technology controlled under entries in Part III of Schedule 1 to the Export of Goods (Control) Order 1994 (commonly known as the military list).

We have recently approved the export of 60 protective vests for demining operations to Azerbaijan. These will be used by the United Nations Development Programme during humanitarian landmine clearance operations. While the grant of this licence constitutes an exception to the UK's interpretation of the scope of the embargo, it is in no way inconsistent with the purpose of the embargo and our continuing commitment to uphold it. It also reflects the determination of the Government to eliminate the scourge of landmines.