HC Deb 26 October 1999 vol 336 cc848-50W
Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much funding over and above base budgets was received by Fazakerley Trust and Southport and Ormskirk Trust hospitals in each year from 1992 to 1999; and what specific projects were so funded. [94589]

Mr. Denham

The table gives details of the funding above base budgets and the projects funded for Aintree Hospitals National Health Service Trust (including Fazakerley Hospital), the former West Lancashire NHS

Developments funded above base budgets 1992/93–1997/98 for Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust and the predecessor NHS Trusts of Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
Total 1992–93 1993–94 1994–95 1995–96 1996–97 1997–98 1998–99
Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust
C.P.N. Posts—Mental Health 46 46
Community M.H. Team 160 100 60
Link Nursing—Mental Health 101 101
Stoddart Nursing—Mental Health 100 100
Primary Care Team—Mental Health 136 136
Liverpool Investment—Mental Health 385 385
Mental Health Intensive Care and Security 230 230
Mental Health Intensive Home Support 186 115 71
EMI Consultant—Mental Health 165 142 23
New Community Mental Health Team (Sefton) 60 60
Activity Workers (Stoddart House)—Mental Health 59 59
All Other Mental Health Service Developments 307 69 104 48 86
Open Access 63 63
Consultant 100 100
A.E.D. Nursing 57 57
A.E.D. Physician 65 65
Anaesthetic Task Force 62 62
3rd Consultant 62 62
Cardiac Rehabilitation 85 85
3rd M.R.I. Session 40 40
Chair in Rehabilitation 67 67
Consultant Rheumatologist 156 51 105
High Dependency Unit 761 410 314 37
Final H.A. Pick-up of Palliative Care Nursing 53 53
Palliative Care Consultant 58 58
Vascular Surgeon 88 88
All Other Service Developments 749 15 221 250 86 146 31
Waiting List Initiatives 1,645 397 151 77 1,020
Additional Activity 1,672 1,058 614
Total 7,718 458 163 573 2,564 705 2,888 367
Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
Former West Lancashire NHS Trust
Resource Management Initiative 674 225 309 100 40
ENT 158 158
Activity increase 302 52 250
Waiting List Initiative 309 309 294 306 123 143 313
Obstetric and Gynaecologist consultant 60 60
A&E Consultant 60 60
CT Scanner costs 140 140
Ophthalmology 100 100
Consultant Gastroenterologist 62 62
Winter Pressures/Emergency Medical Admissions 694 92 37 90 185 290
Consultant Dermatologist 57 57
Consultant Haematologist 57 57
Cardiologist 60 60
Cardiology Out-Patients 44 44
Admissions 55 55
All Other Service Developments 26 30 13 91 20 31 101
Former Southport and Formby NHS Trust
Waiting List 3,215 481 722 199 398 100 465 850
Winter Pressures 637 20 60 26 97 98 336
Spinal Injuries 40 40
MRI Scanning 84 84
GUM 64 64
Dermatology 83 83
Pressures 211 211
Emergency Medical Admissions 150 150
Consultant Microbiology 40 40
All Other Service Developments 404 166 115 63 60
Total 7,760 942 1,947 1,289 1,231 685 922 2,235

Trust (acute services only) and the former Southport and Formby NHS Trust for each year from 1992–93 to 1998–99.

The information provided is not kept centrally and was obtained from Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals NHS Trust and Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust. Further details may be obtained from the trusts if required.