§ Mr. Dennis TurnerTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment when he will undertake a quinquennial review of Remploy Ltd. [98571]
§ Ms HodgeAs part of the Government's commitment to achieve better public services, as set out in its Modernising Government White Paper, my Department is today beginning a Quinquennial Review of Remploy. Its aim will be to consider Remploy's contribution to the changing economy and within the new framework for civil rights for disabled people. Following standard Cabinet Office guidelines, the terms of reference for the prior options stage of the review will be:
- (i) To review the functions of Remploy, the effectiveness with which they have been carried out, and the likely need in the future for these functions.
3W- (ii) To consider whether on efficiency grounds some or all of the functions of Remploy can be carried out within an alternative organisational framework including by another public, private or voluntary sector body or otherwise within government.
- (iii) To consider the powers, constitutional status, membership and objectives of Remploy.
We should welcome comments on those matters covered by the review from all those with an interest in Remploy's work. Comments, which may be made public unless respondents specifically request otherwise, should be sent by 31 January 2000, to:
- Arthur Blacklock
- Adult Disadvantage Policy Division
- Department for Education and Employment
- Moorfoot
- Sheffield S1 4PQ
We have asked that this first stage of the review should be completed by the end of March 2000. The findings will be published and made available to Parliament.