HL Deb 10 November 1999 vol 606 c163WA
Lord Milner of Leeds

asked Her Majesty's Government

What is the role of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in respect of British nationals on trial overseas. [HL4646]

Baroness Scotland of Asthal

I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the oral answer given by my honourable friend the Minister of State, Mr Battle, in another place on 2 November to the honourable Member from Milton Keynes, (Official Report, col. 80). The FCO takes no view as to the innocence or guilt of British nationals on trial overseas—that is a matter for the courts. International law does not allow the FCO to interfere in the judicial procedures of other sovereign states, just as we would not tolerate other countries interfering in our own judicial procedures.

The FCO therefore cannot intervene in the trials of British nationals overseas. However, the FCO will do everything it can to ensure that such nationals have access to legal representation, and insist that they are treated as well as nationals of the countries concerned.

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