HL Deb 08 November 1999 vol 606 cc117-8WA
Lord Orme

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the outcome of the Justice and Home Affairs Council held in Luxembourg on 29 October. [HL4590]

Lord Bassam of Brighton

My right honourable friend the Home Secretary (Mr Straw) and my honourable friend the Minister of State for the Home Department (Ms Roche) represented the United Kingdom at the Council. The main matters dealt with were as follows:

"A" points

The Council agreed as an "A" point, among other things, the annual report for 1997–98 on football hooliganism in European Union member states.

Open debate on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

The Council discussed the outcome of the Tampere European Council. The Commission undertook to present to the December Justice and Home Affairs Council a first draft of the "scoreboard" (i.e. progress report) on implementing specific Tampere measures.

Follow-up to the Tampere European Council

The Presidency presented a paper it had prepared jointly with the Commission and Council Secretariat on implementation of the results of the Tampere European Council. There was no signficiant discussion.

Draft Eurodac Regulation

The Council noted the Presidency's progress report and encouraged the intensification of efforts to resolve outstanding issues in order to reach agreement at the December Council.

Draft Mandate for a parallel Dublin Agreement with Iceland and Norway

At the previous Council meeting on 4 October, the Commission had presented its proposal for a Community agreement to bring Norway and Iceland into the Dublin Convention arrangements. On 29 October the Council noted that the agreement needed to be concluded quickly and remitted the draft mandate to Coreper to resolve outstanding difficulties.

Council decision on opening negotiations between Europol and third countries and international organisations

After discussions, further consideration of the draft instrument was remitted to Coreper.

Mutual Legal Assistance Convention: Interception Provisions

The Presidency noted that, while good progress had been made and agreement appeared to be closer, the provisions relating to interception of telecommunications in the draft Convention on Mutual Assistance in criminal matters were still subject to some debate. It circulated for consideration a further compromise text. After discussion, the Presidency concluded that the issue should be remitted to Coreper, with a view to ultimate agreement at the December Council.

Justice and Home Affairs information for National Parliaments

This item was remitted to the December Council.

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