- Rural Bus Services 208 words cc21-2W
- Multi-modal Transport Study (London and South-West Corridor) 169 words c22W
- Coastguard (Donaldson Report) 98 words c22W
- Local Authority Publicity 105 words c22W
- Highways Agency Estate 104 words cc22-3W
- Road Schemes 283 words c23W
- Motor Vehicle Tax Rises 49 words cc23-4W
- Ministerial Transport 100 words c24W
- London Underground 123 words c24W
- Public Sector Housing 39 words c24W
- Urban Development Corporation 99 words cc24-6W
- Home Energy Efficiency Scheme 613 words c26W
- Household Projections (Hampshire) 90 words c26W
- Out-of-town Supermarkets 50 words c26W
- Local Authority Housing (Single Mothers) 129 words cc26-7W
- Walking 80 words c27W
- A5/M1 Link (Bedfordshire) 161 words c27W
- Rail Services (North Kent) 158 words cc27-8W
- Station Refurbishment 71 words c28W
- Millennium Dome (Transport Links) 282 words c28W
- House Building (Green-field Land) 91 words cc28-9W
- Charity Shops (Rate Relief) 98 words c29W
- Specialist Shops (Local Government Assistance) 161 words c29W
- Horse Riders 62 words c29W
- London and South Wales Multi-modal Study 48 words cc29-30W
- EU Regional Chambers 288 words