HL Deb 19 July 1999 vol 604 c88WA
Earl Attlee

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the current arrangements, if any, for calculating redundancy payments applicable to non-regular permanent staff of the Territorial Army who are being made redundant but take on employment with the Ministry of Defence as a civilian. [HL3501]

Lord Gilbert

The current redundancy compensation terms for officers and soldiers of the non-regular permanent staff (NRPS) are published in the Territorial Army Regulations 1978. Redundancy payments are determined individually and are calculated on the basis of length of service, rank and rate of pay. Members of the NRPS who are made redundant and are subsequently re-employed in civilianised NRPS posts are not required to repay their lump sum compensation payment provided they have applied for the post in open competition.