HL Deb 15 July 1999 vol 604 cc61-3WA
Baroness Thornton

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish for each police authority in England and Wales (a) validated figures showing the number of officers in each force as at 31 March, (b) the changes since March 1998, (c) the percentage changes in their budget and in the numbers of officers between 1 April 1998 and 31 March 1999 and (d) the overall number of police officers and civilian support staff at the latest available date. [HL3717]

Lord Williams of Mostyn

The information requested is set out in the tables.

The total number of police officers in England and Wales at 31 March 1999, taking account of officers seconded outside of their forces, was 126,096. This represents a reduction of 677 officers (0.5 per cent.) since March 1998.

Between March 1992 and March 1999, the number of civilian support staff increased by 5,695 to 53,031.

Police Numbers—Change between March 1998 and March 1999
Force Strength as at 31 March 1999 Change since 31 March 1998
Avon and Somerset 2,999.3 +23.4
Bedfordshire 1,041.3 -37.2
Cambridgeshire 1,274.4 -17
Cheshire 2.070.6 +28.7
City of London 778.1 -46.8
Cleveland 1,415.6 -67.8
Cumbria 1,126 -37.5
Derbyshire 1,758.6 -13.6
Devon and Cornwall 2.887 -74.5
Dorset 1,279.1 -30.9
Durham 1,567.9 +53.1
Dyfed-Powys 1,026.3 +24
Essex 2.890.5 -38
Gloucestershire 1,104
Greater Manchester 6,809.9 -138.8
Gwent 1,247.1 +14.3
Hampshire 3,473.4 -16.1
Hertfordshire 1,723.7 -16.2
Humberside 1,974.4 -46.8
Kent 3,200.8 -50
Lancashire 3,244.8 -12.3
Leicestershire 1,993.2 +10.1
Lincolnshire 1,139.6 -51.5
Merseyside 4,211 -5.4
Metropolitan Police 26,073.1 -20.7
Norfolk 1,381.4 -48.2
Northamptonshire 1,137.5 -31.2
Northumbria 3,840.2 +71.5
North Wales 1,391 -5
North Yorkshire 1,336.5 -30.7
Nottinghamshire 2,224.6 -98
South Wales 2,981.4 -4.8
South Yorkshire 3,168 -14
Staffordshire 2,237.6 -54.5
Suffolk 1,190.2 +4.4
Surrey 1,661.9 +53.5
Sussex 2,846.8 -107.9
Thames Valley 3,748.1 -27.4
Warwickshire 907.7 -16.4
West Mercia 2,024.7 +15.1
West Midlands 7,320.8 +165.3
West Yorkshire 4,982 -172.7
Wiltshire 1,151 -5.3
Force total strength 123.841 -873.8

Police Numbers—Comparison between percentage change in numbers and changes in budgets for 1998–99
Force % Change in Police Numbers March 1998-March 1999 %Change in Budget 1997–98–1998–99
5–5.9% reduction in strength
City of London -5.7% (-46.8) -7.3%
4–4.9% reduction in strength
Cleveland -4.6% (-67.8) +5.1%
Lincolnshire -4.3% (-51.5) +1.1%
Nottinghamshire -4.2% (-98) +3.8%
3–3.9% reduction in strength
Bedfordshire -3.4% (-37.2) +3.8%
Cumbria -3.2% (-37.5) +3.7%
Norfolk -3.4% (-48.2) +3.8%
Sussex -3.7% (-107.9) +3.8%
West Yorkshire -3.4% (-172.7) +3.8%
2–2.9% reduction in strength
Devon & Cornwall -2.5% (-74.5) +4.5%
Dorset -2.4% (-30.9) +3.7%
Greater Manchester -2% (-138.8) +3.8%
Humberside -2.3% (-46.8) +3.8%
Northamptonshire -2.7% (-31.2) +3.7%
North Yorkshire -2.2% (-30.7) +4.0%
Staffordshire -2.4% (-54.5) +3.7%
0–1.9% reduction in strength
Cambridgeshire -1.3% (-17) +3.8%
Derbyshire -0.8% (-13.6) +3.8%
Essex -1.3% (-38) +3.7%
Hampshire -0.5% (-16.1) +3.8%
Hertfordshire -0.9% (-16.2) +3.8%
Kent -1.5% (-50) +4.4%
Lancashire -0.4% (-12.3) +3.8%
Metropolitan Police -0.08% (-20.7) +3.7%
Merseyside -0.13% (-5.4%) +3.8%
North Wales -0.4% (-5) +3.8%
South Wales -0.2% (-4.8) +3.8%
South Yorkshire -0.4% (-14) +3.8%
Thames Valley -0.7% (-27.4) +3.8%
Warwickshire -1.8% (-16.4) +3.7%
Wiltshire -0.5% (-5.3) +3.7%
Forces with increases in police numbers
Gloucestershire +0.02% (+0.2) +3.8%
Avon & Somerset +0.8% (+23.4) +3.8%
Cheshire +1.4% (+28.7) +3.8%
Durham +3.5% (+53.1) +4.9%
Dyfed-Powys +2.4% (+24) +3.8%
Gwent +1.2% (+14.3) +3.8%
Leicestershire +0.5% (+10.1) +3.8%
Northumbria +1.9%(+71.5) +4.7%
Suffolk +0.4% (+4.4) +3.8%
Surrey +3.3% (+53.5) -1.0%
West Mercia +0.75% (+15.1) +3.8%
West Midlands +2.3% (+165.3) +3.8%
Overall totals -0.7% (-873.8) +3.7%