§ Mr. KeyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence what targets he has set for the speed and accuracy of salary payments by the Reserves Manning and Career Management Division in Glasgow; and if he will make a statement. [88870]
§ Mr. Doug Henderson[holding answer 29 June 1999]: The Territorial Army and Reserves Manning and Career Management Division of the Army Personnel Centre (APC) in Glasgow is not responsible for the payment of the salaries of Territorial Army or Reserve Forces personnel. Responsibility for pay record administration rests with the appropriate Pay Division within the Personnel, Pay and Pensions Administration (PPPA) Directorate of the APC. The performance target for the creation of an accurate Pay Account is 92 per cent. created within five working days of notification of enlistment, commission or conversion from a reserve to a regular or mobilised engagement.
Once an accurate and timely pay account has been created, the responsibility for the delivery of pay rests with the Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency (AFPAA) in the case of bank payments, and Unit administration offices in the case of cash payments. AFPAA's key target for 1999–2000 in respect of pay delivery requires 100 per cent. of payments to be made by the due date, with errors not exceeding 2.5 per 1,000 payments.
§ Mr. KeyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many(a) military, (b) retired military and (c) civilian personnel, by rank or grade are employed at (i) the Reserve Training and Mobilisation Centre at Chilwell and (ii) the Reserve Manning and Career Management Division in the Army Personnel Centre, Glasgow; and how many in each category have experience of employment in (1) the private sector and (2) the public sector other than in their current employment. [88871]
§ Mr. Doug Henderson[holding answer 29 June 1999]: As at 28 June 1999, the details requested by number, grade and previous employment experience were as listed in the tables.
Rank/Grade Location Number in each grade1 Number of personnel with public sector experience Number of personnel with private sector experience Retired Military Personnel RO1 Worthy Down 1 0 0 RO1 Glasgow 1 1 1 RO2 Glasgow 2 1 1 Civilian Personnel EO Glasgow 3 1 2 AO Worthy Down 2 0 0 AO Glasgow 30 18 22 AA Glasgow 2 1 1 1 Some personnel have both private and other public sector employment experience
Reserves Training and Mobilisation Centre, Chilwell Rank Location Number in each grade1 Number of personnel with public sector experience Number of personnel with private sector experience Details Lt. Col. Chilwell 1 0 0 Reg Maj Chilwell 7 1 3 Reg Capt. Chilwell 7 3 5 4 x Reg; 3 x FURS (FC) WO1 Chilwell 1 1 0 Reg WO2 Chilwell 5 0 4 Reg C. Sgt. Chilwell 8 1 5 6 x Reg: 2 x NRPS Sgt. Chilwell 21 7 16 14 x Reg: 7 x FURS (FC) Cpl. Chilwell 8 0 5 7 x Reg: 1 x FIRS (FC) L. Cpl. Chilwell 1 0 1 Reg Pte. Chilwell 2 0 2 Reg 1 Some personnel have both private and other public sector employment experience Note:
1. Reg=Regular Army
2. FTRS(FC)=Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment). Civilians on one year military contracts. Representative of 20 per cent. of the Military establishment.
3. NRPS=Non Regular Permanent Staff. Ex-Regulars employed on individual contracts by the Army. They hold Army rank and wear uniform
Civilian Personnel Grade Location Number in each grade1 Number of personnel with public sector experience Number of personnel with private sector experience EO Chilwell 1 1 0 AO Chilwell 8 8 6 AA Chilwell 1 0 1 Snr. Storekeeper Chilwell 2 2 2 Storekeeper Chilwell 3 2 2 Asst. Storekeeper Chilwell 2 2 2 Dvr. Artic Chilwell 1 1 1 1 Some personnel have both private and other public sector employment experience
§ Mr. KeyTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence what his policy is on liaison between(a) the Reserves Manning and Career Management Division in Glasgow and (b) the Reserve Training and Mobilisation Centre at Chilwell and the employers of TA volunteers and regular reservists; and if he will make a statement. [88869]
§ Mr. Doug Henderson[holding answer 29 June 1999]: The Army Personnel Centre, Manning and Career Management (TA and Reserves) Division, is responsible for making payments to employers under the financial assistance arrangements set out in the Reserve Forces (Call-out and Recall) (Financial Assistance) Regulations (SI 1997/309). It therefore has contact with all employers whose employees have been called out for permanent
36Wmilitary service. The Army Personnel Centre also has contact with employers on other matters related to the call-out of an individual. The Reserve Training and Mobilisation Centre at Chilwell is not expected to have contact with employers as a matter of course but there may be occasional contact to resolve particular administrative matters or to pass on information.