§ Mr. HancockTo ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many export licence inquiry forms his Department has received in each of the last three years for(a) Iran and (b) other countries. [70062]
§ Dr. HowellsThe entry in the relevant legislation under which the export of goods is controlled is known as their rating. Exporters' written rating inquiries do not always specify the intended destination nor is this necessary as advice is given with respect to all relevant destinations and controls. The total numbers of such inquiries received in each of the last three years and the numbers that specified Iran as the only destination are as follows:
Year Iran Total 1996 216 1,712 1997 278 2,292 1998 311 2,427 406W
DTI directorate Title Name Seconding company British National Space Centre Mr. Parker Matra Marconi Space Chemicals and Biotechnology Mr. Bartholomew Unilever Chemicals and Biotechnology Dr. Patel Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council Communications and Information Industries Mr. Marshall British Telecom Communications and Information Industries Mr. Reid ICL Communications and Information Industries Mr. Baker Ericsson Ltd. Communications and Information Industries Mr. Baxter BT plc Company Law and Investigations Mr. Steadman Lee & Allen Consulting Plc Company Law and Investigations Miss Gibbins Pricewaterhouse Coopers Company Law and Investigations Mr. Marks Silver Altman Engineering Industries Mr. Jordan Rover Group Ltd. Engineering Industries Mr. Hyatt Lockstair Ltd. Engineering Industries Mr. Armitage GKN Westland Helicopters Export Promotion Mr. Wilson Cable & Wireless plc Export Promotion Mr. Marsh Ove Arup & Partners Export Promotion Mr. Taylor Malcolm Hoyle Carpets Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Pape Pirelli Cables Limited Export Promotion Mr. Cohen The British-Israel Chamber of Commerce Export Promotion Mr. Simmons Rover Group Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Burton Jones Cranes Limited Export Promotion Mr. Fuga The Export Association Export Promotion Mr. Banfield Crosrol Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Burnham North Cape (Scotland) Limited Export Promotion Mr. Webber Boxhome Limited Export Promotion Mr. Blackwood John Laing International Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Rathwell Lancashire Enterprises plc Export Promotion Mr. Jordan Bank of Ireland Export Promotion Mr. Khosla Ove Arup & Partners Export Promotion Ms Fitzgerald Russo-British Chamber of Commerce Export Promotion Mr. Bayne John Laing International Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Lincoln East European Trade Council Export Promotion Mr. Evans The Institute of Export Export Promotion Mr. Scott Prince Associates Export Promotion Mr. Hall Drinks Marketing Consortium Export Promotion Mr. Brennan British Aerospace plc Export Promotion Mr. Suleiman MBE General Traffic Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. McClafferty European Gas Turbines (GEC Alstrom) Export Promotion Mr. Pearson Morris Singer Limited Export Promotion Mr. Johnson NHS Supplies Export Promotion Mr. Rosser Hyder plc Export Promotion Mr. Smeaton Greenwich NatWest Employment Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. d'Aronville Toyoboshi UK Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Slawson British Nuclear Fuels Export Promotion Mr. Watford Barclays Bank plc Export Promotion Mr. Roberts Frank Roberts & Sons Ltd. Export Promotion Ms Fairbanks The Export Association Export Promotion Mr. Chislett Thomas Chislett Export Promotion Mr. Turley Moody Cashmere Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Sproston LG Mouchel & Partners Export Promotion Mr. Salmon Guiness Brewing Worldwide Ltd. Export Promotion Mr. Steer Etrl Europe Ltd. Export Promotion Miss Forbes General Accident Export Promotion Mr. Williams Beaumont Colson Ltd. Export Promotion Dr. Sabberwal G K Communications Group Ltd.