HC Deb 02 February 1999 vol 324 c585W
Mr. Gareth R. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will make a statement on the(a) role, (b) recent work and (c) membership of the Renewable Energy Advisory Committee. [68855]

Mr. Battle

The terms of reference of the Renewable Energy Advisory Committee (REAC) areto advise the Head of Energy Technologies Directorate (ENT), DTI on the aims, content, environmental appropriateness and economic applicability of the Department's market enablement programme and policy on new and renewable energy; to advise on the merits, relative priorities and value for money of those proposed projects within the above programme that the Head of ENT may place before it; to take particular responsibility for advice on strategic and other pan-technology issues associated with the development of new and renewable energy sources; to monitor and review the programme's progress against the DTI's agreed plans, and to evaluate the programme's effectiveness in achieving its agreed objectives; and to provide advice on such other matters as may be required. At its meeting on 20 January 1999 REAC discussed: the renewable energy programme; the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation and my Department's recent consultation exercise on offshore wind; and new Cabinet Office guidance on Non-Departmental Public Bodies.

Members of REAC

  • Mr. G. Bevan, ENT, DTI—Chairman
  • Dr. G. J. K. Acres, Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (retired)
  • Mr. J. Boags, Bank of Scotland
  • Mr. R. Booth, Consultant
  • Ms A. Cook OBE, Neighbourhood Energy Action
  • Mr. G. Leach. Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Prof. P. O'Sullivan, University College London
  • Mr. J. Parry, Chief Planning Officer, Shropshire County Council
  • Mr. D. Porter, Association of Electricity Producers
  • Mr. D. Shah, BP Exploration
  • Mr. M. Trinick, Bond Pearce Solicitors
  • Dr. G. Walker, CCLRC
  • Mr. H. West, Hyder Industrial Ltd
  • Mr. J. P. White, NORWEB
  • Mr. J. Worth, Countryside Commission.

In addition, a number of central Government officials attend REAC meetings in their official capacity, together with representatives of DTI's programme management contractor.