HC Deb 26 October 1998 vol 318 cc82-5W
Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the basis of the statement in Sir Thomas Legg's report at paragraph 4.2 that Sandline International is a company registered in the Bahamas. [56008]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Evidence supplied to the Legg Inquiry.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on what occasions the British High Commission has visited the British passport holders under sentence of death in Sierra Leone for offences arising from, or relating to, the military coup. [55976]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

We are aware of only one British passport holder, Mr. Hilton Fyle, presently under sentence of death. He is also a national of Sierra Leone.

A British consular official visited Mr. Fyle on 15 September 1998. He was fit and well and said that he was being treated fairly. He has regular access to a lawyer.

A British consular official plans to visit Mr. Fyle again before the end of October.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) what representations have been made by Her Majesty's Government in respect of those sentenced to death in Sierra Leone for offences arising from, or relating to, the military coup; and if he will make a statement; [55977]

(2) on which date the Minister of State telephoned the Sierra Leone Government urging clemency for those officers sentenced to death by courts martial consequent upon their participation in the military coup; with whom he spoke; and what other direct or indirect representations urging clemency were made by Her Majesty's Government. [56279]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

I spoke personally to President Kabbah on 16 October to ask him to apply clemency in respect of the courts martial sentences. Our High Commissioner in Freetown also spoke to President Kabbah on 16 October. I reiterated my points in a letter delivered to the President the following day. I also spoke to President Kabbah on 27 August to urge clemency for those sentenced to death on 25 August in the civilian trials.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if Mr. Peter Penfold, during his meeting with the Foreign Secretary's Special Representative on Sierra Leone on 30 December 1996, shared his knowledge of the Blackstone deal for EO/Sandline to provide military equipment and training to the Kabbah Government. [56362]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Penfold met Mr. Flynn, my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary's Special Representative to Sierra Leone, in New York in mid-January 1998. This is recorded in paragraph 5.30 of the Legg Report which statesOn 14 and 15 January, they attended meetings together with UN delegates, including the Chairman of the UN Sanctions Committee. It does not appear that the arms embargo, or the supply of arms by UK firms to President Kabbah, surfaced in those discussions.

Mr. Penfold did not meet Mr. Flynn on 30 December 1996.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to paragraph 4.8 of the Legg report, who advised Mr. Peter Penfold to meet Branch Energy prior to him taking up his appointment as High Commissioner in Sierra Leone. [56361]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Branch Energy was identified by the FCO's African Department as one of a group of British commercial firms with business interests in Sierra Leone. As is normal practice, Mr. Penfold was recommended to contact them as part of his preposting briefing.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment has been made of the charges, evidence and conduct of the trial of the British national, Hilton Fyle, sentenced to death in Sierra Leone. [56275]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Fyle's trial and those of others have been monitored by the United Nations, other international observers and by the British High Commission in Freetown. The international observers have indicated that these civil trials were conducted fairly, under difficult circumstances. Mr. Fyle has appealed against his conviction. The appeal process, which has not yet begun, is expected to last at least one month.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on what occasions Mr. Peter Penfold met(a) Mr. Tim Spicer and (b) representatives of Sandline International or its subsidiary companies during (i) his period of duties in the Caribbean and (ii) as Governor of the British Virgin Islands. [56360]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Penfold has confirmed that on no occasion did he meet Mr. Spicer or representatives of Sandline International or its subsidiary companies during his period of duties in the Caribbean or as Governor of the British Virgin Islands.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what reports his Department has received as to the identities and professions of those individuals executed by firing squad following the coup in Sierra Leone. [56372]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

According to information published by the Government of Sierra Leone, all the 38 persons sentenced in the court martial which began on 23 July 1998 were former members of the Sierra Leone armed forces. Those executed on 19 October were:

  • Corporal Tamba Gborie
  • Sergeant Abu Sankoh alias Zagallo
  • Squadron Leader Victor King
  • Brigadier Hassan Karim Conteh
  • Lieutenant Jim Kelly Jalloh
  • Lieutenant Jim Kelly Jalloh
  • Captain Idrissa Khemolai
  • Captain Simbo Sankoh
  • Colonel John Amadu Sonica Conteh
  • Lt. Commander Samuel Kandu Boi Gilbert
  • Lt. Commander Abdul Aziz Dumbuya
  • Lt. Colonel P. F. Foday
  • Josiah Boisy Pratt
  • Captain Abukarr Kamara
  • Captain Albert Johnny Moore
  • Major Bayoh Conteh alias Bios
  • Major Augustine Fannah Kamara
  • Major Abdul Masakama Koroma
  • Major Kula Samba
  • Lt. Colonel David Boisy Palmer
  • Colonel David Kobina Anderson
  • Colonel Abdul Karim Sesay
  • Colonel James Max Kanga
  • Colonel Sam Francis Yariemah Koroma

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on what day he was notified of(a) the holding of courts martial of officers implicated in the Sierra Leone coup, (b) the verdicts on the officers and (c) the award of death sentences. [56276]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

The military courts martial began on 23 July 1998. The British High Commission reported this that day. The verdicts and the sentences were handed down on 12 October 1998, and reported that day by the High Commission.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on what date Sandline International was entered on the Companies Register of the British Virgin Islands.[55974]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

We have not traced a company in the name of Sandline International registered in the British Virgin Islands. However, a company called Sandline Holdings was registered there on 2 July 1993.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the dates and location of Mr. Peter Penfold's service in the Caribbean subsequent to the completion of his duties as Governor of the British Virgin Islands. [55975]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

Mr. Penfold completed his duties as Governor of the British Virgin Islands in 1995. He subsequently served as HMG's Special Adviser on Drugs in the Caribbean from 1995 to 1996.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by what means his Department has been able to assess the evidence submitted to, and the efficacy of the conduct of,(a) the courts martial and (b) the civil courts of Sierra Leone, in respect of hearings related to charges of treason arising from the coup. [56267]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

The courts martial and the civilian trials have been monitored by the United Nations and other international observers and by the British High Commission. The international observers have indicated that the civil trials have been conducted fairly under difficult circumstances. Both we and the international observers have, however, expressed concern to the Government of Sierra Leone about the absence of a proper appeals process for the military courts martial.

Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) if a representative of the British High Commission to Sierra Leone was in attendance at the courts martial of the officers subsequently executed for their participation in the Sierra Leone coup; [56278]

(2) if a representative of the British High Commission to Sierra Leone attended throughout the trial of British national, Hilton Fyle. [56270]

Mr. Tony Lloyd


Mr. Mackinlay

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, pursuant to the Legg report, if he will place in the Library a copy of the document Project Python as presented to Mr. Peter Penfold at his meeting with Mr. Spicer of Sandline on 28 January. [56359]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

The Project Python document referred to in the Legg report is a commercial working document belonging to Sandline International. It is not for the Government to make such a document public.

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